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problem in intersection of surfaces

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg117330] problem in intersection of surfaces
  • From: kamal <azimikamal at>
  • Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 06:05:35 -0500 (EST)

when i try to draw intersection between two surfaces by
parametricplot3D, mathematical miss some part of curve and only draw
smaller part of curve
i could solve that problem by changing plotpoints and MaxRecurison but
in this case it dosn't help

i mentioned my program belw, i need help. anybody could help me?


intersec = {x, y, z} /.
   Solve[{1*(2*x - y - z)^6 +1*(2*y - x - z)^6 +1*(2*z - x - y)^6 +
           1*((2*x - y - z)^3 + (2*y - x - z)^3 + (2*z - x -
                  y)^3)^2 == 14*(250*10^6)^6, 0 == x + y + z}, {z,

range = 200000000;
p1 = Show[{ContourPlot3D[{1*(2*x - y -
           z)^6 +1*(2*y - x - z)^6 +1*(2*z - x - y)^6 +
           1*((2*x - y - z)^3 + (2*y - x - z)^3 + (2*z - x -
                  y)^3)^2 == 14*(250*10^6)^6,
     0 == x + y + z}, {x, -range, range}, {y, -range,
     range}, {z, -range, range}, BoundaryStyle -> None, Mesh -> None,
    BoxRatios -> Automatic, PlotRange -> Automatic,
    AxesLabel -> {Style[x, Large, Bold, Orange],
      Style[y, Large, Bold, Orange], Style[z, Large, Bold, Orange]},
    LabelStyle -> Directive[Purple, Bold], Axes -> True,
    AxesStyle -> {Green, Green, Blue},
    BoxStyle -> Directive[Dashed, Orange],
    ContourStyle -> {{Red, Opacity[0]}, {Yellow, Opacity[0]}},
    Lighting -> "Neutral", ViewPoint -> {1, 1, 1}],
   ParametricPlot3D[intersec, {x, -2000000000, 2000000000},
    PlotStyle -> {Green, Green}, ColorFunction -> Red,
    MaxRecursion -> 15, PlotPoints -> {100, 100}]}]

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