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Problem:a texture on only one face of a Polyhedron

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg122813] Problem:a texture on only one face of a Polyhedron
  • From: Roger Bagula <roger.bagula at>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 04:55:04 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:

The problem is the
VertexTextureCoordinates ->
They seem to specify only one face specifically.
I'd like to get the texture on all the faces.
Here what runs to give one textured face:

gm = ExampleData[{"ColorTexture", "WhiteMarble"}];
v = {{0, 0, -(5/Sqrt[50 - 10 Sqrt[5]])}, {0, 0, 5/Sqrt[
    50 - 10 Sqrt[5]]}, {-Sqrt[(2/(5 - Sqrt[5]))],
    0, -(1/Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]])}, {Sqrt[2/(5 - Sqrt[5])], 0, 1/Sqrt[
    10 - 2 Sqrt[5]]}, {(1 + Sqrt[5])/(
    2 Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]]), -(1/2), -(1/Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]])}, {(
    1 + Sqrt[5])/(2 Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]]), 1/
    2, -(1/Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]])}, {-((1 + Sqrt[5])/(
     2 Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]])), -(1/2), 1/Sqrt[
    10 - 2 Sqrt[5]]}, {-((1 + Sqrt[5])/(2 Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]])), 1/2,
     1/Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]]}, {-((-1 + Sqrt[5])/(
     2 Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]])), -(1/2) Sqrt[(5 + Sqrt[5])/(
     5 - Sqrt[5])], -(1/Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]])}, {-((-1 + Sqrt[5])/(
     2 Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]])),
    1/2 Sqrt[(5 + Sqrt[5])/(5 - Sqrt[5])], -(1/Sqrt[
     10 - 2 Sqrt[5]])}, {(-1 + Sqrt[5])/(
    2 Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]]), -(1/2) Sqrt[(5 + Sqrt[5])/(5 - Sqrt[5])],
     1/Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]]}, {(-1 + Sqrt[5])/(
    2 Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]]), 1/2 Sqrt[(5 + Sqrt[5])/(5 - Sqrt[5])], 1/
    Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]]}};
i = {{2, 12, 8}, {2, 8, 7}, {2, 7, 11}, {2, 11, 4}, {2, 4, 12}, {5, 9,
     1}, {6, 5, 1}, {10, 6, 1}, {3, 10, 1}, {9, 3, 1}, {12, 10,
    8}, {8, 3, 7}, {7, 9, 11}, {11, 5, 4}, {4, 6, 12}, {5, 11, 9}, {6,
     4, 5}, {10, 12, 6}, {3, 8, 10}, {9, 7, 3}};
g5 = Graphics3D[{Blue, Opacity[0.5], Specularity[White, 20],
   GraphicsComplex[v, Polygon[i],
    VertexTextureCoordinates -> {{1, 0}, {1/4 (-1 + Sqrt[5]), Sqrt[
       5/8 + Sqrt[5]/8]}, {1/4 (-1 - Sqrt[5]), Sqrt[
       5/8 - Sqrt[5]/8]}, {1/4 (-1 - Sqrt[5]), -Sqrt[
        5/8 - Sqrt[5]/8]}, {1/4 (-1 + Sqrt[5]), -Sqrt[
        5/8 + Sqrt[5]/8]}}]}, Boxed -> False]

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