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Re: algebraic ReplaceAll?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg122320] Re: algebraic ReplaceAll?
  • From: Dushan Mitrovich <dushanm at>
  • Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2011 06:16:38 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <j7u4qc$t5h$> <j83alr$k6n$>

Richard Fateman wrote:
> On 10/22/2011 3:10 AM, Dushan Mitrovich wrote:
>> Is there a way to get ReplaceAll to act algebraically, so it recognizes
>> the negative of a replaced quantity as well as the positive?  For
>> example, this works
>>        In:   x-w /. x-w->y
>>        Out: y
>> but these don't
>>        In:   -x+w /. x-w->y
>>              w-x  /. x-w->y
>>        Out: w-x
>>              w-x
>> - Dushan
> How would you wish the replacement to work on this:
>    -x  /. x-w->y   ??
> would -y-w    be ok with you?
No, it would not be OK: I was only asking about the _negative_ of a 
quantity being recognized, and I meant only when that negative quantity 
is a match for the pattern specified.  Your example is too complicated, 
I think, to be practical.

> If so, try
> -x /.  x->  y+w.
> x-w /.  x->  y+w
> w-x /.  x->  y+w
> etc.
> You can make the pattern work from  w->  x-y    alternatively.
> Or if you want to know if some expression e can be expressed as
> Q*(x-w)+R, you can do this by polynomial division.
> Three points:
> 1. Your request is ambiguous.
> 2. The pattern matcher basically sucks for this, as Andrzej observes.
> 3. Alternatives (e.g. semantica, or
> )
> exist, but item 1. above needs some thought either way.

Thanks for the 'better-rules' link.  I'll give both these a read.

- Dushan

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