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FindFit on only real parameters

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg121170] FindFit on only real parameters
  • From: matyigtm <matyigtm at>
  • Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2011 03:28:53 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:


Suppose I have data with complex values on which I want to fit a
(nonlinear) curve with _only_ real parameters. How do I find these

For example (for demonstration a linear problem is presented)

f={0+I 0,1+I 2,2+I 1}
model:=(a+I b)+c X + d I X^2

returns complex valued "a","b","c" and "d" parameters.
How should I do to obtain only real valued parameters.

I've tried to force the equation to run only with real values. The
results were errors each time:
model := (Re[a] + I Re[b]) + Re[c] X + Re[d] I X^2
model := (a Conjugate[a] + I b Conjugate[b]) + c Conjugate[c] X +
  d Conjugate[d] I X^2

Finally I have written a custom ("brute force") function which takes
too much computation time to give results:

findFitReal[data_, expr_, pars_, vars_] :=
  v = Table[
     expr, {vars, (data\[Transpose])[[1]]}] - (data\[Transpose])[[
     2]]; NMinimize[ (v.v\[Conjugate]) // Re, pars]]

I cannot change to algorithm of the nonlinear fitting found on to give only
real value for the parameters.

Any hints appreciated,

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