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Re: How to generate report with Mathematica script from command line

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg121309] Re: How to generate report with Mathematica script from command line
  • From: Armand Tamzarian <mike.honeychurch at>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2011 04:05:41 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <j47eks$l5s$>

On Sep 7, 7:48 pm, Murta <rodrigomur... at> wrote:
> Hi James
> I have the same problem.
> By what I know, it's not possible to generate pdf using the kernel
> without front end...
> Let me know if you get it!
> Tks
> Murta
> On Sep 6, 5:05 am, james rund <janju... at> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > first of all: am overwhelmed by the loads of useful tricks on this mail=
ing list!
> > Now, my current problem is the following, perhaps you can help:
> > I want to use Mathematica to make pretty reports of our data analysis.
> > I have a mathematica notebook that will load data from a specified file=
 and generate a PDF and CDF accordingly.
> > Now I want to turn this into a command line script to do the same job, =
where the input parameter is the filename of the file that contains the dat=
> > However, the script does not to anything sensible. It does not write th=
e PDF and CDF files.
> > I use CreateDocument and NotebookSave for that in the notebook version =
of the script.
> > What could be going wrong?
> > Do I need to have an open front end all the time?
> > if yes -> how to I load something via a shell command to the front end?
> > The only solution I came up with so far is pretty bad:
> > Have a loop in a front end notebook running ALL THE TIME which checks f=
or a specific file. If the file exists it will generate a report accordingl=
> > However, this is an embarrassing solution.....don't judge me on that...=
. ;-))
> > Please tell me a better trick if you know one.
> > Many thanks,
> > james

It is not 100% clear what the problems are and/or what the objective
is but you can do lots of things by scheduling, including creation of
PDFs and if you don't want to have Mathematica open you can use shell
scripts to run at certain times.

Based on my limited understanding of what the objective is I'd
probably be looking to have one single script that generates the data
file and then calls Mathematica once it has been generated ...but I'd
need more info (such as how the data file gets generated currently


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