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Re: a question about data plotting

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg121390] Re: a question about data plotting
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnews at>
  • Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 07:20:52 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:

On 9/12/11 at 4:23 AM, gsempos at (geo sem) wrote:

>How is it possible using Mathematica to construct graphs like these
>that depicted in the following two links? I do not need complete
>details, just advice me for the available built- in functions or the
>necessary add-on packages. Thank you, in advance, for your response.


This one can be done using ContourPlot. To get something
equivalent you would want to specify the ContourLabels option to
obtain the numbers that label the contour lines and specify
coloring options to get a monochrome background.


This one can also be done with built-in functions. Here you want
to use ListPlot to plot the data making use of the PlotStyle
option to specify colors. DensityPlot can be used to create the
legend and Show is used to combine the two graphics into a
single graphic. Look up ColorData in the documentation center to
see what standard coloring schemes are already available.
Additionally, there is an example in the documentation of using
DensityPlot to create a legend.

If you don't care for the color schemes built-in, you can always
create your own with the built-in functions. A nice display of
the built-in color schemes can be found in the documentation
center by searching on guide/ColorSchemes.

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