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help with GraphicsGrid

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg121443] help with GraphicsGrid
  • From: MH <matthewhoek at>
  • Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2011 04:40:22 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:

Hello.  I've used GraphicsGrid to create several images, but I'm
having trouble saving and printing them.  When I generate an image and
click on it, I see a gray border (instead of an orange one, which I
usually see).  Then, when I try to "Save Selection As...", I cannot
choose that particular option under the File menu.  This is how I'd
normally save the image as a PDF, but I can't use that method.

Instead, I tried to use the Print dialogue box, from the File menu, to
generate a PDF.  For some reason, this creates an "empty" PDF file.
It generates the file with my chosen filename, but the file itself is
empty.  There's just white space, with no image visible.

In one last attempt, I tried the Export[] command instead of using the
File menu.  This worked...sort of.  I tested this on a 1x2
GraphicsGrid, and it worked!  But with a slightly more complicated 3x4
grid, the printout was a blank sheet of white paper.

I'm running Mathematica 8.0 on MacOS 10.6.8.  Any thoughts?  Thanks!


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