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Re: How create new style sheet- Mathematica 8

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg121441] Re: How create new style sheet- Mathematica 8
  • From: John Fultz <jfultz at>
  • Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2011 04:39:59 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:
  • Reply-to: jfultz at

Mathematica *will* list it in the menu.  But Mathematica's menus have to be
refreshed.  Restarting Mathematica is the easiest way to do that.  Also, you can 
evaluate the following:

MathLink`CallFrontEnd[FrontEnd`ResetMenusPacket[{Automatic, Automatic}]]

The Install dialog invokes that command behind the scenes when installing 
stylesheets.  And, to answer another question which was raised...installing is 
basically just saving a copy of the style notebook in the right directory and 
refreshing the menus.  Nothing more exotic than that.

FWIW, I absolutely agree that the user experience of working with stylesheets 
could be much improved, and have pushed hard to make that happen.  But there's 
always some give and take in the software development process...many other fine 
features and bug fixes have been implemented while this one has waited a bit.


John Fultz
jfultz at
User Interface Group
Wolfram Research, Inc.

On Wed, 14 Sep 2011 05:13:24 -0400 (EDT), Murray Eisenberg wrote:
> Re your 1): you give the stylesheet a name when you use the Install
> button.
> Nothing I know would prohibit renaming any (non-OS system) file in the
> Finder, assuming you reset any permissions, etc., that might otherwise
> inhibit doing that. But then Mathematica would not still list it on the
> Style Sheet menu.
> On 9/13/11 7:21 AM, AES wrote:
>> In article<j4kfej$kc9$1 at>,
>> John Fultz<jfultz at> wrote:
>>> On Sun, 11 Sep 2011 07:29:17 -0400 (EDT), Murray Eisenberg wrote:
>>>> How does one create (and save!) a new style sheet in Mathematica 8?
>>>> One way that used to work in earlier versions was:
>>>> 1. Open a new notebook, say Untitled-1.nb.
>>>> 2. From the menu, select Format> Edit StyleSheet, which pops up a
>>>> "Private Style Defintions for Untitled-1.nb" style sheet.
>>>> 3. Edit that popped-up style sheet.
>>> At this point, press the Install button on the toolbar.  That will
>>> save it on
>>> your stylesheet path where it will automatically be found and
>>> populated into
>>> the
>>> menus.
>> Thanks to both posers for terse and useful recipe here.  Two brief
>> extensions:
>> 1)  I'm assuming one can give this new stylesheet a new name before
>> (or while?) installing it?  Can one also rename it, using the Mac
>> Finder, afterwards?
>> 2)  Suppose you want to further edit this stylesheet later on.  Is the
>> recommended procedure just to navigate to it (in the FInder, if you're
>> on a Mac); open it (as a notebook); edit it; then re-install it?

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