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Interactive settings for ParamPlot3D. Mesh not quite working.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg121483] Interactive settings for ParamPlot3D. Mesh not quite working.
  • From: "Christopher O. Young" <cy56 at>
  • Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 05:50:41 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:

I'm trying to make a template for interactive graphing with the settings I
like, and controls to change the bounding box, etc. Everything is working
except that I'm not able to set the mesh correctly. Checking or unchecking
one of the boxes causes _all_ the mesh to be toggled off, not just one of
the mesh specifications. I think I'm constructing the list of specifications
according to the Help documentation. I put in and empty list for the mesh
function I don't want any mesh for.

Do I need to make this a Dynamic module? I don't see why, since I'm passing
in the value via the drawXMesh, drawYMesh, and drawZMesh arguments to

Thanks for any help.

Chris Young
cy56 at

  xBnds_, yBnds_, zBnds_,
  drawXMesh_, drawYMesh_, drawZMesh_
  ] := 
   meshSpecs = 
     If[drawXMesh, Range[-xBnds, xBnds], {}],
     If[drawYMesh, Range[-yBnds, yBnds], {}],
     If[drawZMesh, Range[-zBnds, zBnds], {}]
   },(* Specifications for the mesh; i.e., in which directions. *)
  Print["Mesh specs are: ", meshSpecs];
    Flatten[ {
      {u v}
     } ],
    {u, -xBnds, xBnds},
    {v, -xBnds, xBnds},
    PlotRange -> {{-xBnds, xBnds}, {-yBnds, yBnds}, {-zBnds, zBnds}},
    BoxRatios -> {xBnds, yBnds, zBnds},
    SphericalRegion -> True,
    FaceGrids ->
       {1, 0, 0}, {Range[-xBnds, xBnds], Range[-zBnds, zBnds]}
       {0, 1, 0}, {Range[-yBnds, yBnds], Range[-zBnds, zBnds]}
       {0, 0, 1}, {Range[-xBnds, xBnds], Range[-yBnds, yBnds]}
    MeshFunctions -> {#1 &, #2 &, #3 &},
    Mesh ->  meshSpecs,
    BoundaryStyle -> Gray,
    AxesLabel -> {"x", "y", "z"},
    PlotStyle -> Opacity[opacity],
    ColorFunctionScaling -> False,
    ColorFunction -> (Hue[0.35 (#3 + 4)/8 ] &)
    ] /. Line[pts_, opts___] :> {Gray, Tube[pts, 0.03, opts]}

 saddleParamPlot3[opac, xBnds, yBnds, zBnds, drawXMesh, drawYMesh,
 {{opac, 0.5, "Opacity"}, 0, 1} ,
 {{xBnds, 4, "x bounds"}, 0, 4, 1} ,
 {{yBnds, 4, "y bounds"}, 0, 4, 1} ,
 {{zBnds, 4, "z bounds"}, 0, 4, 1} ,
 {{drawXMesh, True, "x mesh"}, {True, False}},
 {{drawYMesh, True, "y mesh"}, {True, False}},
 {{drawZMesh, True, "z mesh"}, {True, False}}

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