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Re: Manipulate Hints, Tips, Tricks

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg121609] Re: Manipulate Hints, Tips, Tricks
  • From: "Christopher O. Young" <cy56 at>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 07:25:13 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <g00us6$gjg$>

Thanks for the help. This really speeds up the learning process.

Chris Young

On 5/9/08 3:35 AM, in article g00us6$gjg$1 at, "Frank Iannarilli"
<frankeye at> wrote:

> Hi,
> Here's a compilation of beginner-intermediate tips for using
> Manipulate toward its max potential - hope it helps.  {I'm on WinXP,
> using 6.0.2}
> Paste/evaluate the code later below to note the effects of the various
> elements:
>   1) Style["Text Label", Bold]: User interface annotation labels for
> section headings, etc.
>   2 Tooltip[]: Note usage for text labels (Style[]) versus for control
> labels.
>   3) Appearance -> "Labeled":  to get live readout of control
> (sliderbar) setting to the right of the control.
>   4) ImageSize -> Small:  to play with the item's real estate
> allocation in the overall layout
>   5) Delimiter:  Horizontal separating bar (nice window dressing)
>   6) Row[]: Means of horizontal grouping of elements, e.g., a label
> and some dynamically updated value.
>   7) Item[]: Wrapper for elements such as Row[], permitting use of the
> Alignment option (e.g., Alignment -> Center)
>   8) ControlPlacement -> {...}: A rudimentary means to get "wrap-
> around" layout of controls around the main plot area.  Note that each
> control and annotation declaration (e.g., Row, Item, Style at the
> nesting level of the control declarations) counts as one item for
> callout of its placement in the {...} list.  Delimiters don't count.
>   9) The idiom Style[Manipulate[ ...], DynamicEvaluationTimeout ->
> 10000] is intended to preclude getting an $Abort in place of the
> plots, due to long evaluation time (>5sec), particularly in the
> initial building of the interface.
> Style[
>  Manipulate[
>   Plot[a Sin[b x + c], {x, 0, 10}, PlotRange -> {Automatic, {-10,
> 10}}],
>   Style[Tooltip["Vertical Controls", "y-axis"], Bold],
>   {{a, 1, Tooltip["amplitude", "signal strength"]}, 0, 10,
>       Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Small},
>   Delimiter,
>   Style["Horizontal Controls", Bold],
>   {{b, 1, "frequency"}, 0, 10},
>   {{c, 0, "time lag"}, -10, 10},
>   Item[Row[{Style["Phase (radians): ", Blue],
>       Dynamic[Mod[2*Pi*c/b, 2*Pi]]}, Spacer[2]], Alignment ->
> Center],
>   Item[Row[{Style["Value at x=1: ", Blue], Dynamic[a Sin[b 1. + c]]},
>      Spacer[2]], Alignment -> Left],
>   ControlPlacement -> {Top, Top, Right, Right, Right, Right, Bottom}
>  ],
>   DynamicEvaluationTimeout -> 10000]

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