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Re: Evaluation of a whole notebook from another one

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg127575] Re: Evaluation of a whole notebook from another one
  • From: "djmpark" <djmpark at>
  • Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2012 21:48:15 -0400 (EDT)
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Why don't you make Source.nb a package notebook? Either make it directly a
Source.m notebook or make it automatically generate a Source.m notebook by
changing Notebook Options, FileOptions, AutoGeneratedPackage to Automatic in
the Option Inspector. You could put the notebook in a folder
MySourcePackages in your personal Applications folder
($UserBaseDirectory/Applications) and then read in the package by

David Park
djmpark at 

From: Dr. Robert Kragler [mailto:kragler at] 


I have a simple question:

There is a nb-file, say "Source.nb", which is called and should be evaluated
as a whole (containing several procedures in a group of input cells) from
another nb-file, say "Application.nb" which needs these procedures for
further calculations.

Within "Application.nb" the notebook "Source.nb" is correctly opened and
pops up by NotebookOpen["filepath\Source.nb"]. It is, of course, possible to
evaluate the cell group manually but the idea is to do this automatically
and then return after evaluation to the calling nb-file "Application.nb" and
close "Source.nb" 
using NotebookClose["filepath\Source.nb"].

I miss a command such as NotebookEvaluate[...]. The commands
EvaluationNotebook and SelectionEvaluate are not just doing what I want.
Suggestions are appreciated.

R. Kragler

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