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Re: problem in solving inconsistent system of equations

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg127623] Re: problem in solving inconsistent system of equations
  • From: W Craig Carter <ccarter at MIT.EDU>
  • Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012 03:15:44 -0400 (EDT)
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Increasing the MaxModularPoints to 10^7 makes Reduce return false.

SetSystemOptions["ReduceOptions" -> "MaxModularPoints" -> 10000000]

 a^2 + a + b*c + 1 == 0 && e^2 + f*g + 1 == 0 &&
  k^2 + k + l*m + 1 == 0 && s^2 + t*u + 1 == 0 &&
  2*a*k + k + b*m + c*l + a + 1 == 0 && 2*a*s + s + b*u + c*t == 0 &&
  2*k*e + e + f*m + g*l == 0 && 2*e*s + f*u + g*t == 0 &&
  e (-1 - k) - g l + c (f (-1 - k) + e l) + b (g k - e m) +
    a (-e - g l + f m) == 1, {a, b, c, e, f, g, k, l, m, s, t, u},
 Modulus -> 37]

(* False *)

Using SetSystemOptions["ReduceOptions" -> "UseOldReduce" -> True]
also gets a False for a return.

Can you give an example of a solution?

W Craig Carter
Professor of Materials Science, MIT

On Aug 7, , at Tue Aug 7, 12 @3:01 AM, awaisysf wrote:

> Reduce[a^2 + a + b*c + 1 == 0 && e^2 + f*g + 1 == 0 &&
>  k^2 + k + l*m + 1 == 0 && s^2 + t*u + 1 == 0 &&
>  2*a*k + k + b*m + c*l + a + 1 == 0 && 2*a*s + s + b*u + c*t == 0 &&
>  2*k*e + e + f*m + g*l == 0 && 2*e*s + f*u + g*t == 0 &&
>  e (-1 - k) - g l + c (f (-1 - k) + e l) + b (g k - e m) +
>    a (-e - g l + f m) == 1, {a, b, c, e, f, g, k, l, m, s, t, u},
> Modulus -> 37]
> but when i solve this through Mathematica it gives this error
> "
> Reduce::munsp: Reduce was unable to solve the system. Increasing the value of SystemOption MaxModularPoints may help."
> actually there are many solution who satisfied this system of questions by the above mention command i need only one or first few solutions please help to modified this code . thanks

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