Re: How to Extract Conditional Expression?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg127634] Re: How to Extract Conditional Expression?
- From: "djmpark" <djmpark at>
- Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012 03:19:25 -0400 (EDT)
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step1 = x -> ConditionalExpression[(1/\[Pi]) 105 (-2 ArcTan[\[Sqrt]Root[ 1 - 4584 #1 + 525588 #1^2 - 24932888 #1^3 + 643774850 #1^4 - 10134675448 #1^5 + 103523895748 #1^6 - 713980114440 #1^7 + 3417573832943 #1^8 - 11577472180368 #1^9 + 28132792718632 #1^10 - 49450791062896 #1^11 + 63131885232924 #1^12 - 58540019029360 #1^13 + 39271847011624 #1^14 - 18902427543696 #1^15 + 6437818513647 #1^16 - 1518441755144 #1^17 + 239987843524 #1^18 - 24146287608 #1^19 + 1422915970 #1^20 - 42378776 #1^21 + 478484 #1^22 - 1512 #1^23 + #1^24 &, 1]] + 2 \[Pi] C[1]), C[1] \[Element] Integers]; step1 /. C[1] -> 3 // N x -> 629. David Park djmpark at From: Scott Guthery [mailto:sbg at] Thanks for everyone's help but I still can't seem to get the function out of the Conditional. Here's the actual ConditionalExpression I'm dealing with: x -> ConditionalExpression[(1/\[Pi]) 105 (-2 ArcTan[\[Sqrt]Root[ 1 - 4584 #1 + 525588 #1^2 - 24932888 #1^3 + 643774850 #1^4 - 10134675448 #1^5 + 103523895748 #1^6 - 713980114440 #1^7 + 3417573832943 #1^8 - 11577472180368 #1^9 + 28132792718632 #1^10 - 49450791062896 #1^11 + 63131885232924 #1^12 - 58540019029360 #1^13 + 39271847011624 #1^14 - 18902427543696 #1^15 + 6437818513647 #1^16 - 1518441755144 #1^17 + 239987843524 #1^18 - 24146287608 #1^19 + 1422915970 #1^20 - 42378776 #1^21 + 478484 #1^22 - 1512 #1^23 + #1^24 &, 1]] + 2 \[Pi] C[1]), C[1] \[Element] Integers] Using the various suggestions the closest I can get is the error statement ... Root::deg: 1-4584 x+525588 x^2-24932888 x^3+643774850 x^4-10134675448 x^5+103523895748 x^6-713980114440 x^7+3417573832943 x^8-11577472180368 x^9+28132792718632 x^10-49450791062896 x^11+63131885232924 x^12-58540019029360 x^13+39271847011624 x^14-18902427543696 x^15+6437818513647 x^16-1518441755144 x^17+239987843524 x^18-24146287608 x^19+1422915970 x^20-42378776 x^21+478484 x^22-1512 x^23+x^24 has fewer than 1 root(s) as a polynomial in #1. >> followed by ... (1/\[Pi])210 (3 \[Pi] - ArcTan[\[Sqrt]Root[ 1 - 4584 x + 525588 x^2 - 24932888 x^3 + 643774850 x^4 - 10134675448 x^5 + 103523895748 x^6 - 713980114440 x^7 + 3417573832943 x^8 - 11577472180368 x^9 + 28132792718632 x^10 - 49450791062896 x^11 + 63131885232924 x^12 - 58540019029360 x^13 + 39271847011624 x^14 - 18902427543696 x^15 + 6437818513647 x^16 - 1518441755144 x^17 + 239987843524 x^18 - 24146287608 x^19 + 1422915970 x^20 - 42378776 x^21 + 478484 x^22 - 1512 x^23 + x^24 &, 1, 0]]) I can't seem to get rid of the &,1,0 at the end. Thanks in advance for any additional clues. Cheers, Scott