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Re: Mathematica 9 does not read mathematica 8 ".mx" files

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg129100] Re: Mathematica 9 does not read mathematica 8 ".mx" files
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnews at>
  • Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2012 05:49:41 -0500 (EST)
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On 12/14/12 at 2:58 AM, noomenov at (noomen mechri) wrote:

>Thanks for your reply! yes, that's what I had to do ... rerun the
>whole calculation on M9 which again took a few hours!! (I know ...
>not good at optimizing code) But then what is the purpose of having
>.mx files to save the workspace variables for future use ... if they
>can only be read by the version in which they have been produced ...
>it is senseless ...

No. It is still useful for saving time from one session to the
next in the same version on the same machine. It is just the .mx
format cannot be used for something more than this at this point
in time.

Note, it is possible to create data files that do preserve
variables that can be used across versions and platforms. For
example, if you create a text file with


in it and load it with Get, then the variable a will be created
with the expected value in any version of Mathematica on any
platform. True, this will not load as quickly as a .mx file and
you have more work to do to create this type of file form
Mathematica than simply using DumpSave.

Also, if you think about it, minimum load/write times for
computations would be achieved by simply writing out whatever is
in memory to storage in the format it is in. Anything else
requires some CPU effort to modify format during the load/write
process. And if you forgo any processing during the load/write
process to minimize the time these take, there can never be an
expectation the saved files can work across versions or platforms.

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