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How can I rasterize the selection in a notebook, preserving In/Out labels when appropriate?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg123957] How can I rasterize the selection in a notebook, preserving In/Out labels when appropriate?
  • From: Szabolcs Horvát <szhorvat at>
  • Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2012 02:46:36 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:

Dear MathGroup,

How can I rasterize the selection in a notebook, preserving In/Out
labels when appropriate?

I already asked about this here:

, but the question is not completely solved.

A summary of what I have so far (you can skip to point 3 for the main

  1. Applying Rasterize to the result of NotebookRead[] will reformat
     everything using the width of the evaluation notebook.  If it's
     called from a palette, this is unusably narrow.
     So Rasterize at NotebookRead[...] is not usable here.

  2. One method is using the the Edit -> Copy As -> Bitmap menu item.
     This is callable from a program like this:

     FrontEndToken[FrontEnd`SelectedNotebook[], "CopySpecial", "MGF"]]

     This works nicely but is unfortunately Windows-only, and also
     destroys the clipboard contents.

  3. The best method is copying everything to a new notebook
     and Rasterizing the whole notebook expression, like so:

         target =
           CreateDocument[{}, WindowSelected -> False, Visible -> False];
         NotebookWrite[target, NotebookRead[SelectedNotebook[]]];
         CreateDialog[{Rasterize[target], DefaultButton[]}];

     The problem (sometimes advantage, sometimes problem :) with this
     is that the In/Out labels are not included in the rasterization.

     Test it by creating a palette using the above code, selecting a
     few input/output cells, and pressing the palette button.

So the question could be rephrased as: is there a way to rasterize a
whole notebook so that In/Out labels are preserved?

I need this to work for any selection, not only when complete cells are
selected.  When only part of the text or a graphic is selected, of
course there shouldn't be any In/Out labels.   However, when one or more
input/output cells are selected using the cell brackets, the labels
should be preserved.

Szabolcs Horv=E1t
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