Re: How to rectify the error for NDSolve ?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg127178] Re: How to rectify the error for NDSolve ?
- From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr357 at>
- Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2012 03:32:35 -0400 (EDT)
- Delivered-to:
- References: <>
You still have multiple syntax errors. If you are going to specify a working precision, all input numbers must be at least that precision. For example, 0.5 must be either exact (i.e., 1/2) or high precision (e.g., 0.5`25). I shortened the interval since the plot is too dense for wider ranges. Clear[x, \[Tau], Q, \[CapitalGamma], \[Phi], V, t]; Q = 100; \[CapitalGamma] = 50; Subscript[\[Omega], 0] = 10; Subscript[V, p] = 1/2; Subscript[c, 0] = 406*10^-6; \[Phi] = 90; Subscript[V, 1][t] = Sqrt[2] Subscript[V, p] Sin[2 Subscript[\[Omega], 0] t]; eqn = x''[t] + Subscript[\[Omega], 0]/Q x'[t] + Subscript[\[Omega], 0]^2* (1 + Subscript[c, 0] Subscript[V, 1][t]) x[ t] == \[CapitalGamma] Sin[Subscript[\[Omega], 0] t + \[Phi]] // Simplify; sol = NDSolve[{eqn, x[0] == 1/2, x'[0] == 0}, x[t], {t, 0, 25}][[1]]; ParametricPlot[Evaluate[ {x[t] /. sol, D[x[t] /. sol, t]}], {t, 0, 25}, Frame -> True, AxesLabel -> {"t", Overscript[\[Theta], "."]}, AspectRatio -> 1] Bb Hanlon On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 10:19 PM, Rahul Chakraborty <rahul.6sept at> wrote: > Dear all, > > Thanks to Murray for your reply. I have made changes as per advice but still no result. The differential eqn is also changed to make it simpler. > > Here is my code: > > Clear[x,\[Tau],Q,\[CapitalGamma],\[Phi]]; > Q=100; > \[CapitalGamma]=50; > Subscript[\[Omega], 0]=10; > Subscript[V, p]=0.5; > Subscript[C, 0]=4.06 * 10^-4; > \[Phi]=90; > Subscript[V, 1](t)=Sqrt[2] Subscript[V, p]Sin(2Subscript[\[Omega], 0]t); > eqn= x''[t]+Subscript[\[Omega], 0]/Q x'[t]+Subscript[(\[Omega]^2), 0][1+Subscript[c, 0] Subscript[V, 1](t)]x[t]==\[CapitalGamma]Sin[Subscript[\[Omega], 0]t+\[Phi]]; > sol=NDSolve[{eqn,x[0]==0.5,x'[0]==0},x[t],{t,0,250},MaxSteps-> 500000,WorkingPrecision-> 25][[1]] > ParametricPlot[Evaluate[{x[t],x'[t]}/.sol],{t,0,100},Frame->True,PlotRange-> All,AxesLabel-> {"t","Overscript[\[Theta], .]"}] > > Regards, > rc >
- References:
- Re: How to rectify the error for NDSolve ?
- From: Rahul Chakraborty <>
- Re: How to rectify the error for NDSolve ?