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Separating square roots

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg127232] Separating square roots
  • From: rhartley.anu at
  • Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2012 00:42:31 -0400 (EDT)
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I have an expression which is a sum of terms, some monomials
and others involving square roots, such as
A = 3  + 5 x^2 + 7 x + Sqrt[5+x] + 7 x Sqrt[5+x] (but much more complicated).
I want to solve this, which involves separating terms with the square root
from those that do not have a square root, then squaring each.

I can not work out how to separate out those terms that have the square
root.  I do not want to hard code, such as nosqrt = A[[1]] + A[[2]] , etc.
Can anyone help?


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