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Re: Algorithm Analysis Course: Should I use Mathematica for projects?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg127269] Re: Algorithm Analysis Course: Should I use Mathematica for projects?
  • From: Richard Fateman <fateman at>
  • Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 04:58:45 -0400 (EDT)
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On 7/11/2012 3:25 PM, Brentt wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm an undergrad math major, and taking a cross disciplinary Algorithm
> Analysis course in the fall. I talked to the professor and he said we can
> use whichever language we like and Mathematica would be fine if it had a
> way to evaluate run-time.
> Two questions:
> I think the required capabilities are those found in the documentation
> under "Time Measurement & Optimization". Would this be correct? And would
> those functions be adequate for an algorithm analysis course?

My guess is that those measurement tools would be fine.  The problem is 
that Mathematica is unsuitable as a programming language.
> I know this list would be a little biased but: should I use Mathematica?

You could write the programs, but the timing would look nonsensical 
without substantial explanation.
> Cons:  I absolutely adore Mathematica and never find myself wanting to
> program in anything else (I've toyed with Python and other languages, but
> Mathematica inspires me to play with programming like other languages have
> not), and thought committing to Python for the class might expand my
> programming skills.

You should use a conventional programming language which supports 
conventional data structures.  This could be python, or C or Java or Lisp.

  Also I'm guessing the course will focus on procedural
> algorithms which might not be a good fit for Mathematica's functional
> paradigm.
Probably not an issue.

I know Mathematica can be shoehorned in to any paradigm, but
> maybe it'd be better to use a more procedural language.

It would be better to use a programming language in which Lists are 
lists, not arrays and accessing elements in an array of length N is an 
O(1) operation, not O(N).

Your times and the expectations of the class/instructor/exams/homeworks
would work together if you used a language which did not disrespect the
fundamentals of data structures.

> Pros: I will learn Mathematica with more depth, and there are good reasons
> to get really good at one thing as opposed to OK at many things.

It is unlikely that having an in-depth understanding of Mathematica will 
have a strongly positive impact on what you do after graduation.
Compared (say) with experience in a more commonly used programming language.

Plus what
> I learn in Mathematica may just as well translate to other languages anyway
> so it may not be a big deal which I choose.

To some extent Mathematica makes a hash of "paradigms" from other 
programming languages, with a dose of mathematical procedures.  Learning 
functional programming from Mathematica seems to me to
be an unappealing prospect.

Ask your instructor for a recommendation of a programming language, and
learn that one.

Good luck.

> Input anyone?

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