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Re: Sending an interrupt to the frontend?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg127360] Re: Sending an interrupt to the frontend?
  • From: W Craig Carter <ccarter at MIT.EDU>
  • Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2012 03:49:12 -0400 (EDT)
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  • References: <jtj5ro$5ml$> <jttuv8$gtl$> <>


As the original poster,  I'd like to clarify that I was looking for a 
way to send an interrupt to the front-end *from the operating system*.  
I think mathematica's behavior is understandable when the front end 
receives a request to dynamically update a result that is so large that 
takes a long time to format.  This is nearly always triggered by a 
mistake that I have made.

I was looking for a work-around; not a fix to Mathematica.  Ralph 
Draftman send a nice way to catch interrupts with an 

W Craig Carter
Professor of Materials Science, MIT

> It is clear that one can easily and quickly run the frontend irresponsive.
> However, in most cases I know, this is actually due to bad programming
> (from Mathematica's point of view) rather than an instable product.
> One typical reason is that a command returns symbolic results where the
> programmer actually expected only numerical stuff, and quickly things get completely out of hand.  But how should Mathematica know that all this was not intended?

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