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Re: New to Mathematica

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg126413] Re: New to Mathematica
  • From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr357 at>
  • Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 04:12:04 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <jntga4$2c$>

Build one step at a time.

For a given value of k (say k=2) use exact values (i.e., 1082/10
rather than 108.2) and restrict the domain of Solve to Reals

With[{k = 2}, Solve[(x/Log[x]) (1 + 1/Log[x]) == 1082/10 + k,
  x, Reals]]

{{x -> Root[{-551 Log[#1]^2 + 5 #1 + 5 Log[#1] #1 &,
     0.91655356819195758220}]}, {x ->
   Root[{-551 Log[#1]^2 + 5 #1 + 5 Log[#1] #1 &,
     1.11136974029598568569}]}, {x ->
   Root[{-551 Log[#1]^2 + 5 #1 + 5 Log[#1] #1 &, 611.73540466624378639}]}}

Use N to convert Root objects to their values (last entry in Root object)

With[{k = 2}, Solve[
   (x/Log[x]) (1 + 1/Log[x]) == 1082/10 + k,
   x, Reals] // N]

{{x -> 0.916554}, {x -> 1.11137}, {x -> 611.735}}

Use ReplaceAll to extract values from rules

With[{k = 2}, x /. Solve[
    (x/Log[x]) (1 + 1/Log[x]) == 1082/10 + k,
    x, Reals] // N]

{0.916554, 1.11137, 611.735}

Use Part, Last, or Max to extract largest value

With[{k = 2}, x /. Solve[
     (x/Log[x]) (1 + 1/Log[x]) == 1082/10 + k,
     x, Reals][[-1]] // N]


Convert to a function of k with k restricted to Integers

r[k_Integer] := x /. Solve[
     (x/Log[x]) (1 + 1/Log[x]) == 1082/10 + k,
     x, Reals][[-1]] // N



Plot of r

ListPlot[{#, r[#]} & /@ Range[-20, 20, 4],
 Frame -> True, Axes -> False]

Define your Product as a function of kmax

p[kmax_Integer] :=
 Product[1 - 1/r[k], {k, 0, kmax}]



This is quite slow so calculation for large values of kmax will take
considerable time. Plot of p

ListPlot[{#, p[#]} & /@ Range[0, 20, 2],
 Frame -> True, Axes -> False]

Bob Hanlon

On Sun, May 6, 2012 at 8:28 PM, J.Jack.J. <jack.j.jepper at> wr=
> Thanks for replying. Responses embedded:
> On May 6, 8:24 am, Murray Eisenberg <mur... at> wrote:
>> First, perhaps folks were reluctant to respond because this looked like
>> it could be a homework exercise.
>> Second, you don't even have proper Mathematica syntax in your equation
>> relating x and k. Did you even try to read the documentation to learn
>> the very basics?
> I tried and tried for hours but couldn't so much as find any section
> that would even tell me how to write the condition that k be an
> integer.
>  For example, proper syntax for the equation would be:
>>    (x/Log[x]) (1 + 1/Log[x]) == 108.2 + k
>> Function arguments must be enclosed in brackets, not parentheses, and
>> the equality is a doubled "=" sign. Moreover, your original expression
>> had an unbalanced terminal parenthesis.
> Thanks.
>> Third, the equation itself looks really nasty. Aside from the fact that
>> it mixes exact formulas with an approximate real (108.2), the left-hand
>> side is transcendental.
>> Fourth, the equation does not seem to uniquely define x as a function of
>> k! For example, form the difference between the two sides...
>>    f[x_] := (x/Log[x]) (1 + 1/Log[x]) - 108.2 - k
>> ... and plot f for, say, k = 2:
>>    Plot[Evaluate[f[x] /. k -> 2], {x, 0.5, 2}, Exclusions -> {x ==
> = 1},
>>   AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, PlotRange -> {-5, 5}]
>> The graph crosses the x-axis twice. And indeed, if you use FindRoot with
>> initial guesses above and below 1, you'll see that this is so:
>>     FindRoot[Evaluate[f[x] /. k -> 2], {x, 0.9}]
>> {x -> 0.916554}
>>     FindRoot[Evaluate[f[x] /. k -> 2], {x, 1.1}]
>> {x -> 1.11137}
> Am sorry, I should have said "let r(k) be the highest x such that..."
> Can you give me the required inputs? That would help me immensely.

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