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Saving PDE Derivatives

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg126473] Saving PDE Derivatives
  • From: deltafrog <deltafrog at>
  • Date: Sun, 13 May 2012 03:00:56 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:


I'm using NDSolve, in order to solve a PDE and I won't to evaluate the results plus the derivatives of the result. Example: 

NDSolve[{Derivative[0,1][u][x,t]-Derivative[1,0][u][x,t]-Derivative[1,0][v][x,t]==0, y[x,0]==0, Derivative[1,0][u][0,t], Derivative[1,0][v][0,t]},{u,v}, {x,0,10}, {t,0,10}] 

When I want to evaluate the results I get results for u, v, u_t, and v_t, but I can't evaluate u_x nor v_x. These obviously have to be calculated somehow? How can I tell mathematica 8 to save the results?

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