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simultaneous equation

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg128741] simultaneous equation
  • From: "Trichy V. Krishnan" <biztvk at>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2012 04:33:50 -0500 (EST)
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When I solve a simultaneous equation, the output looks as follows. How do I remove those ?1.? and the annoying wiggles in the superscript position in so many places.

With regards


Here is the whole thing. It's a small program... When I ran it anew, the superscript-wiggles are gone but the "1." persists. Thanks for the help.

x1 = 0.5 + (1/(4 t1)) (rsm - rsk);
x2 = 0.5 + (1/(4 t2)) (rLm - rLk);
x3 = 0.5 + (1/4) (rLk - n rsk);
x4 = 0.5 + (1/4) (rLm - n rsm);
ssk = a b x1 + (1 - a) g x3;
sLk = a (1 - b) x2 + (1 - a) g (1 - x3);
ssm = a b (1 - x1) + (1 - a) (1 - g) x4;
sLm = a (1 - b) (1 - x2) + (1 - a) (1 - g) (1 - x4);
Pik = ssk rsk + sLk rLk;
Pim = ssm rsm + sLm rLm;
Pidsm = D[Pim, rsm]; PidLm = D[Pim, rLm];
Solve[Pidsm == 0 && PidLm == 0, {rsm, rLm}]

{{rsm -> -((0.5 a b + 0.5 (1. - 1. a) (1. - 1. g) + (0.25 a b rsk)/
          t1) (-0.5 (1. - 1. a) (1. - 1. g) - (0.5 a (1. - 1. b))/
          t2) - 1. (0.25 (1. - 1. a) (1. - 1. g) +
          0.25 (1. - 1. a) (1. - 1. g) n) (0.5 a (1. - 1. b) +
          0.5 (1. - 1. a) (1. - 1. g) + (0.25 a (1. - 1. b) rLk)/
          t2))/(-1. (0.25 (1. - 1. a) (1. - 1. g) +
         0.25 (1. - 1. a) (1. - 1. g) n)^2 + (-0.5 (1. - 1. a) (1. -
            1. g) n - (0.5 a b)/t1) (-0.5 (1. - 1. a) (1. - 1. g) - (
         0.5 a (1. - 1. b))/t2)),
  rLm -> (1. (0.25 (1. - 1. a) (1. - 1. g) +
         0.25 (1. - 1. a) (1. - 1. g) n) ((0.5 a b +
            0.5 (1. - 1. a) (1. - 1. g) + (0.25 a b rsk)/
            t1) (-0.5 (1. - 1. a) (1. - 1. g) - (0.5 a (1. - 1. b))/
            t2) - 1. (0.25 (1. - 1. a) (1. - 1. g) +
            0.25 (1. - 1. a) (1. - 1. g) n) (0.5 a (1. - 1. b) +
            0.5 (1. - 1. a) (1. - 1. g) + (0.25 a (1. - 1. b) rLk)/
            t2)))/((-1. (0.25 (1. - 1. a) (1. - 1. g) +
            0.25 (1. - 1. a) (1. - 1. g) n)^2 + (-0.5 (1. -
               1. a) (1. - 1. g) n - (0.5 a b)/
            t1) (-0.5 (1. - 1. a) (1. - 1. g) - (0.5 a (1. - 1. b))/
            t2)) (-0.5 (1. - 1. a) (1. - 1. g) - (0.5 a (1. - 1. b))/
         t2)) - (0.5 a (1. - 1. b) + 0.5 (1. - 1. a) (1. - 1. g) + (
     0.25 a (1. - 1. b) rLk)/t2)/(-0.5 (1. - 1. a) (1. - 1. g) - (
     0.5 a (1. - 1. b))/t2)}}

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