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Low-level notebook programming for custom document generation

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg128191] Low-level notebook programming for custom document generation
  • From: Brentt <brenttnewman at>
  • Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2012 02:48:47 -0400 (EDT)
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Hi, I've been tinkering with low level notebook programming to try and make
it possible to write decently (passable anyway) typeset equations
efficiently. But the documentation is not that clear on this aspect of
mathematica. A couple of questions maybe someone on the list can help me

In a style sheet I want to make it to where I can have input auto
replacements such that when I write IMPLIES it becomes a logical
implication symbol. For reasons I'm not clear on when I use a preprint
article stylesheet when I try and set the options with

>  InputAutoReplacements -> {"IN" -> "\[Element]",
>    "IMPLIES" -> "\[Implies]", "IFF" -> "\[DoubleLeftRightArrow]"}]

It works but only in Text cells, not equation cells (where the
replacements are useful). Anyone know how I can get the replacements to
work in equation cells?

Also I want to set some key actions to work with modifier keys. But in the
documentation I can only find how to get the event handler to execute
actions in a notebook with non-modified keys by using

{"KeyDown" , "x"} :> *action*

(or something like that). But there is no ways to pass modified key presses
such as ALT+x so far as I can tell. Is there a way to have arbitrary
actions associated with custom modified key commands?

Thank you for any help (and I'm not interestead in implorations to use
LaTeX instead---having used it for several years I still find  incredibly
unpleasant to work with and completely useless to work out problems "by
hand". I've found Mathematica's equation editor useful for working out very
long and drawn out complicated algebraic manipulation, i.e. applying
rewrite rules "by hand"---since once can see the form of equations (unlike
latex) and copy, delete, and  paste portions of equations and never run out
of space unlike on paper or whiteboards. I'm just hoping to I can make it a
little more useful if I can figure out some the notebook programming.)

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