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Plot3D labeling question

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg129315] Plot3D labeling question
  • From: George Kamin <gkamin at>
  • Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2013 21:13:47 -0500 (EST)
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Hello Users,
I am  a novice user compared to most of you, and have run into a 
problem recently trying to label a graphics object produced by 
Plot3D[.] or ListPlot3D[.]. The question is simple. Somewhere in the 
past ten years, I saw a M object labeled with character strings on 
all three axes that were not the three standard horizontal displays 
for {xlabel,ylabel,zlabel}. The labels were placed so that the plane 
of lettering, xlabel and ylabel, appeared to be IN the plane z = 0 
with xlabel lying parallel to the x-axis and the ylabel lying 
parallel to y-axis. Similarly the zlabel appeared to lie in the plane 
x = 0 and parallel to the z-axis. The important thing to note here is 
that the plane of the lettering actually appeared to lie in the 
aforementioned planes.

This produces a display that is easier to interpret and simply looks 
"nicer", "fancier" than the standard inelegant labels  produced by 
PlotLabel or AxesLabel. I would like to use this object for a 
publication. Does anyone have a script for producing this type of 
label display from inside Plot3D ?? How do I get the "management" of 
WR to notice that this would be a nice identifiable standard addition 
to the next version of M??

Many Thanks for your assistance in solving this issue, George Kamin 
(gkamin at

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