problems with dll library
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg129410] problems with dll library
- From: piotr <kalaipiotrek at>
- Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2013 22:24:24 -0500 (EST)
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Hi, I have proble which I can not solve for a long time... I use MinGW compiler to generate dll library - I use a following command to compile a code: gcc -Wall -shared libraryX.c -o libraryX.dll in the libraryX.c I put a simple function: double signX( double x ) { double s = 0.0; /*Funtion body*/ if( x > 0.0) s = 1.0; if( x < 0.0) s = -1.0; return(s); } When I am trying to use this function in Mathematica with a command: Needs["NETLink`"] signX = DefineDLLFunction["signX", "libraryX.dll", "double", {"double"}]; signX[1.0] I get a following error: NET::netexcptn: "A .NET exception occurred: \!\(\"System.BadImageFormatException: Probowano zaladowac program w niepoprawnym formacie. (Wyj\\:0105tek od HRESULT: 0x8007000B)\\n w Wolfram.NETLink.DynamicDLLNamespace.DLLWrapper16.signX(Double ) Does anybody know how to load such simple funtion in mathematica? I would be garteful for some hints. Regards, Piotr