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Aligning graphics on frame boundaries

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg129426] Aligning graphics on frame boundaries
  • From: Bruce Shore <bwshore at>
  • Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2013 21:51:30 -0500 (EST)
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I would like to align, within GraphicsColumn, two or more plots on their 
frame boundaries, using Mathematica 7. Back in Jan 2008 this question 
was raised by  Szabolcs Horv=E1t, so maybe it is answered, but I do not 
find  the answer in the archives, only the question.

My question is the same as his: I have two or more plots, with different 
aspect ratios or with different labels, so the images are not the same 
size. I want to align the left and right right sides of the frames in a 
GraphicsColumn. I use ImagePadding but this is very clumsy and has to be 
redone for every set of frames. Mathematica uses, for all its sizings, 
the complete outline of the figure, with labels and so on, not just the 
frame. For publications the frames have to be aligned.

Bruce Shore
bwshore at
(925) 455 0627

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