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Re: NSolve output

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg129460] Re: NSolve output
  • From: "Trichy V. Krishnan" <biztvk at>
  • Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 01:35:42 -0500 (EST)
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Just for your information...

The following didn't work (I am using version 8):
soln1 = NSolve[{dpi1s1 == 0, dpi2s2 == 0, 0 < s1 < 1, 0 < s2 < 1}, {s1, s2}][[1]]

The following works well.
soln4 = Select[NSolve[{dpi1s1 == 0, dpi2s2 == 0}, {s1, s2}],  And @@ Thread[0 < {s1, s2} < 1] /. # &][[1]]

Thanks a lot again.


-----Original Message-----
From: Trichy V. Krishnan [mailto:biztvk at]
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 12:29 PM
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg129460] Re: NSolve output

Wow... thanks.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Hanlon [mailto:hanlonr357 at]
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 4:43 AM
To: Trichy V. Krishnan
Cc: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg129460] Re: NSolve output

Clear[s1, s2];

dpi1s1 = Rationalize[
   0.3125 - 0.0645 s1^2 + 0.0083205 s1^3 + 0.125 s2^2 +
    s1 (-0.26 + (-0.03225 + 0.0645 s2) s2), 0];

dpi2s2 = Rationalize[
   0.3125 + s2 (-2.4375 + (-0.25 + 0.0645 s1) s1 +
       (-0.375 + 0.5 s2) s2), 0];

The easiest way is to just add the constraints

soln1 = NSolve[
   {dpi1s1 == 0, dpi2s2 == 0, 0 < s1 < 1, 0 < s2 < 1},
   {s1, s2}][[1]]

{s1 -> 0.986758, s2 -> 0.117545}

soln2 = Solve[
    {dpi1s1 == 0, dpi2s2 == 0, 0 < s1 < 1, 0 < s2 < 1},
    {s1, s2}][[1]] // N

{s1 -> 0.986758, s2 -> 0.117545}

soln3 = Reduce[
    {dpi1s1 == 0, dpi2s2 == 0, 0 < s1 < 1, 0 < s2 < 1},
    {s1, s2},
    Backsubstitution -> True] // N // ToRules

{s1 -> 0.986758, s2 -> 0.117545}


soln4 = Select[NSolve[
    {dpi1s1 == 0, dpi2s2 == 0}, {s1, s2}],
   And @@ Thread[0 < {s1, s2} < 1] /. # &][[1]]

{s1 -> 0.986758, s2 -> 0.117545}

soln5 = Cases[NSolve[
    {dpi1s1 == 0, dpi2s2 == 0}, {s1, s2}],
   _?(And @@ Thread[0 < {s1, s2} < 1] /. # &)][[1]]

{s1 -> 0.986758, s2 -> 0.117545}

Bob Hanlon

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 1:34 PM, Trichy V. Krishnan <biztvk at> wro=
> Hi:
> I have a simultaneous set of equations in two variables, namely, s1
> and s=
2.  See below.
> s1 =.; s2 =.; dpi1s1 =.; dpi2s2 =.;
> dpi1s1 = 0.3125 - 0.0645 s1^2 + 0.0083205 s1^3 + 0.125 s2^2 +
>    s1 (-0.26 + (-0.03225 + 0.0645 s2) s2);
> dpi2s2 = 0.3125 +
>    s2 (-2.4375 + (-0.25 + 0.0645 s1) s1 + (-0.375 + 0.5 s2) s2);
> NSolve yields 7 pairs but I want to pick the pair(s) where both s1 and
> s2=
 are in (0, 1) domain. I am using a laborious method as follow, but can I g=
= et this in one step? Thanks.
> trichy
> soln = NSolve[dpi1s1 == 0 && dpi2s2 == 0, {s1, s2}, Reals]; lis=
t =
> {s1, s2} /. soln;
> list1 = {{0, 0}};
> Do[If[list[[i, 1]] > 0,
>    If[list[[i, 1]] < 1, If[list[[i, 2]] > 0, If[list[[i, 2]] < 1,
>       list1[[1, 1]] = list[[i, 1] ]]]]], {i, Length[list]}];
> Do[If[list[[i, 1]] > 0,
>    If[list[[i, 1]] < 1, If[list[[i, 2]] > 0, If[list[[i, 2]] < 1,
>       list1[[1, 2]] = list[[i, 2] ]]]]], {i, Length[list]}];
> s1 = list1[[1, 1]]; s2 = list1[[1, 2]]; {s1, s2}
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Hanlon [mailto:hanlonr357 at]
> Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 1:01 PM
> To: mathgroup at
> Subject: Re: NSolve output
> $Version
> "9.0 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (November 20, 2012)"
> a = x z + 2 x y + 2 y z;
> v = x y z;
> a2 = a /. x -> 2 z;
> v2 = v /. x -> 2 z;
> NSolve[{a2 == 60, v2 == 40, x == 2 z, x > 0},  {x, y, z}]
> {{x -> 5.1156, y -> 3.05701, z -> 2.5578}, {x -> 7.46083,
>   y -> 1.43719, z -> 3.73042}}
> Solve[{a2 == 60, v2 == 40, x == 2 z, x > 0},
>   {x, y, z}, Reals] // N
> {{x -> 5.1156, y -> 3.05701, z -> 2.5578}, {x -> 7.46083,
>   y -> 1.43719, z -> 3.73042}}
> {Reduce[{a2 == 60, v2 == 40, x == 2 z, x > 0},
>     {x, y, z},
>     Backsubstitution -> True] // N // ToRules}
> {{x -> 5.1156, y -> 3.05701, z -> 2.5578}, {x -> 7.46083,
>   y -> 1.43719, z -> 3.73042}}
> Bob Hanlon
> On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 9:53 PM, Berthold Hamburger
> <b-hamburger at artinso.=
com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I want to solve two simple equations with NSOLVE to calculate the
>> dimensions of a rectangular box that is open on top. The length of
>> the box is twice the width and the volume and area of the box are
>> respectively 40 cubic feet and 60 square feet.
>> I defined the area and volume:
>> a = xz + 2xy + 2yz
>> v = xyz
>> then substituted x with 2z:
>> a2 = a /. x->2z
>> v2 = v /. x->2z
>> a2 = 6 y z + 2 z^2
>> v2 = 2 y z^2
>> solved with NSolve:
>> step1 = NSolve[{a2 == 60, v2 == 40}, {y, z}, Reals] [[1,2]] //=
>> which returns the results
>> {y->3.05701,z->2.5578}
>> I would like to get an output that returns values for all 3 variables
>> x,y,z  as in
>> {x->5.1156,y->3.05701,z->2.5578}
>> but somehow cannot find a way to do it
>> What would be the correct way for doing that?
>> Regards
>> Berthold Hamburger

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