Re: Question about PlotRange
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg129477] Re: Question about PlotRange
- From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr357 at>
- Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 23:14:33 -0500 (EST)
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The "clipped" items don't show but the boundaries show. To include the clipped portions, Join the plot, do clipping manually, or use ListLinePlot Table[ ListPlot[ Table[x, {x, -.13, .13, .01}], Axes -> True, Filling -> 0, FillingStyle -> {Red, Darker[Green]}, PlotRange -> {Automatic, yRange}], {yRange, {Full, {-0.1, 0.06}}}] Table[ ListPlot[ Table[x, {x, -.13, .13, .01}], Axes -> True, Filling -> 0, FillingStyle -> {Red, Lighter[Green]}, Joined -> True, PlotRange -> {Automatic, yRange}], {yRange, {Full, {-0.1, 0.06}}}] Table[ ListPlot[ Table[Clip[x, {-0.1, 0.05}], {x, -.13, .13, .01}], Axes -> True, Filling -> 0, FillingStyle -> {Red, Darker[Green]}, PlotRange -> {Automatic, yRange}], {yRange, {Full, {-0.1, 0.06}}}] Table[ ListLinePlot[ Table[x, {x, -.13, .13, .01}], Axes -> True, Filling -> 0, FillingStyle -> {Red, Darker[Green]}, PlotRange -> {Automatic, yRange}], {yRange, {Full, {-0.1, 0.06}}}] Bob Hanlon On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 1:42 AM, James Stein <james at> wrote: > I am mystified by the two charts produced by this expression: > > Table [ > ListPlot [ Table [ x, { x, -.13, .13, .01 } ] , > Axes -> True, > Filling -> 0, > FillingStyle -> { Red, Darker [ Green ] } , > PlotRange -> { Automatic, yRange } > ] , { yRange, { Full, { -0.1, 0.06} } } ] > > If 'PlotRange' allows 'Full' for the y-axis, all data is plotted as > expected, but > if 'PlotRange' restricts extreme values of y, *some* extreme values > have vanished, > but *not* the *most* extreme values. > > My desire is for all 27 values to appear on the second chart. > (In more realistic situations, the visual 'Filling' is important.) > How is this to be achieved? >
- References:
- Question about PlotRange
- From: James Stein <>
- Question about PlotRange