Re: problem with append
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg129538] Re: problem with append
- From: bsyehuda at
- Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2013 00:09:42 -0500 (EST)
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There are some errors here 1. The function name is AppendTo (with capital T) - Mathematica is case sensitive 2. Even this would not help, since r={} in the body of AppendTo refers to the return value of the assignment rather than to rr Combining 1 and 2 above results with the immediate correction rr = {}; For[a = 2, a < 6, a++, For[b = 2, b < 6, b++, AppendTo[rr, a^b]]] rr But any decent Mathematica programmer is aware of how inefficient Append, AppendTo, Prepend, PrependTo and Insert are You have many other ways, which are more efficient. Note that Do and For return Null, and what you do is adopting the concept of side effects to generate lists - a highly inefficient way in Mathematica Read the documentation on Table, Array, Flatten to enhance your programming in Mathematica yehuda On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 8:21 AM, Paolo cachecho <paolocach at> wrote: > hello i am new to mathmatica.i have the following problem if anyone could > help. > > For[a = 2, a < 6, a++, > For[b = 2, b < 6, b++, > Appendto[rr = {}, a^b]]] > rr > > but rr remains empty. how can i solve this > thank you > >
- References:
- problem with append
- From: Paolo cachecho <>
- problem with append