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Dummy Plotting

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg131321] Dummy Plotting
  • From: keystonethewizard at
  • Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 04:13:13 -0400 (EDT)
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Sorry if this shows twice, last time showed an error.

I'm trying to make a dummy-proof plotting template.  I've been able to figure out most things but cannot seem to make the function arrowheads the same colour as the functions.  The last line adds the function arrowheads.

Interpretation[{f = {  1/(x - 1), Sin[x], -x, x}, 
  points = {{3, 2}, {-5, -8}}, min = -10, max = 10, size = 0.5, 
  rmin = -10, rmax = 10, gridx = 1, gridy = 1, hlabel = "x", 
  vlabel = "y"}, 
 Panel[Grid[{{Style["Plot Characteristics", Bold], SpanFromLeft},
    {"Functions:", InputField[Dynamic[f]]},
    {"Points:", InputField[Dynamic[points]]},
    {"Domain Min:", InputField[Dynamic[min]]},
    {"Domain Max:", InputField[Dynamic[max]]},
    {"Range Min:", InputField[Dynamic[rmin]]},
    {"Range Max:", InputField[Dynamic[rmax]]},
    {"Grid Size (cm):", InputField[Dynamic[size]]},
    {"Gridline Space x:", InputField[Dynamic[gridx]]},
    {"Grdiline Space y:", InputField[Dynamic[gridy]]},
    {"Horizontal Label:", InputField[Dynamic[hlabel]]},
    {"Vertical Label:", InputField[Dynamic[vlabel]]}
 Plot[f, {x, min - gridx/2, max + gridx/2},
   PlotRange -> {rmin - gridy, rmax + gridy} ,
   GridLines -> {Range[min, max, gridx], Range[rmin, rmax, gridy]},
   GridLinesStyle -> {{Dashed, CMYKColor[0, 0, 0, 1, 0.25], 
      AbsoluteThickness[0.5]}, {Dashed, CMYKColor[0, 0, 0, 1, 0.25], 
   Ticks -> {Range[min, max, gridx], Range[rmin, rmax, gridy]}, 
   TicksStyle -> 
    Directive[10, Opacity[0], FontOpacity -> 0.9999, 
     CMYKColor[0, 0, 0, 1], FontFamily -> "Helvetica"],
   ImageSize -> {(max - min)*37.795375591*size + 
      6.1*StringLength[hlabel], (rmax - rmin)*37.795375591*size + 8},
   AspectRatio -> Full,
   AxesLabel -> {Style[hlabel, Italic], Style[vlabel, Italic]},
   LabelStyle -> {{FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> 14}},
   AxesStyle -> {CMYKColor[1, 1, 1, 1], AbsoluteThickness[0.5]},
   PlotStyle -> {{AbsoluteThickness[1], 
      CMYKColor[0, 0, 0, 1]}, {AbsoluteThickness[1], 
      CMYKColor[0, 0.83, 1, 0]}, {AbsoluteThickness[1], 
      CMYKColor[1, 0, 0, 0]}, {AbsoluteThickness[1], 
      CMYKColor[0.36, 1, 0, 0]}, {AbsoluteThickness[1], 
      CMYKColor[0.63, 0, 1, 0]}, {AbsoluteThickness[1], 
      CMYKColor[0, 0, 0, 1]}},
   Epilog -> {Arrowheads[{0.04, 0.01, {0, 0.03}}], 
     Arrow[{{max + gridx/2, 0}, {max + gridx/2 + gridx/10, 0}}], 
     Arrow[{{min - gridx/2, 0}, {min - gridx/2 - gridx/10, 0}}], 
     Arrow[{{0, rmax + gridy}, {0, rmax + gridy + gridy/10}}], 
     Arrow[{{0, rmin - gridy}, {0, rmin - gridy - gridy/10}}], 
     AbsolutePointSize[5], Point[points]}
  /. Line[x__] :> Sequence[Arrowheads[{-.04, .04}], Arrow[x]]

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