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Re: Preventing a plot used as background from updating

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg130725] Re: Preventing a plot used as background from updating
  • From: Fred Simons <f.h.simons at>
  • Date: Mon, 6 May 2013 04:24:33 -0400 (EDT)
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You could used nested Dynamics, something like Dynamic[ 
Graphics[{contourplot, Dynamic[other stuff]].

Here is a toy  example demonstrating the principle. Updating of the 
variable a  is time consuming, while updating of b is fast. The variable 
a is not updated when only the value of b changes.

a = RandomReal[]; b = RandomReal[];
Column[{ Dynamic[{Pause[2]; a, Dynamic[b]}],
    Button["a", a = RandomReal[]],
   Button["b", b = RandomReal[]]

Fred Simons
Eindhoven University of Technology

Op 4-5-2013 9:18, Brentt schreef:
> Hi, I'm trying to make an interactive visualization that uses a contour
> plot as background. The contour plot takes a while to process, and I don't
> want it to be refreshed during dynamic evaluation.
> When I try and use the "Refresh[ cntrPlot, None]" the other parts of
> dynamic don't run.
> I've even tried to rasterize the graphic, but then the coordinates don't
> match up.
> Any ideas on how one might go about doing  this?
> -----
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