MathGroup Archive 2013

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Re: Easy to get the audio out of sync with the graphics (w/work around)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg130735] Re: Easy to get the audio out of sync with the graphics (w/work around)
  • From: Clif McInnis <c_mcinnis at>
  • Date: Tue, 7 May 2013 03:56:08 -0400 (EDT)
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  • References: <kkoelf$gkq$>

@ Helen
Very interesting that the teachers that taught the older version of the course resisted attempts to have concept driven questions put on the final, and yet the concept driven version students did as well on the skill, or computational questions as the students whose courses had stressed that approach. I feel like that is one of the benefits of a concept focused course, it gives a student the sense of why should I do this, and the student will then work out her/his own how should I do this.
Another point that you made that resonates with me is that I teach based much more on experience and observation than data. One statistic that might be interesting, if it is still retrievable, would be to find out how many (if any) of the students from either of the sections went on to take a math course beyond the required baby calculus. My gut would tell me that if any did they were more likely to have come from the group whose instruction was concepts based.  If I am right about that it would serve as evidence of one premise of CBM, which is that once a student becomes interested in a subject s/he will explore it more closely.

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