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Re: Work on Basic Mathematica Stephen!

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg130801] Re: Work on Basic Mathematica Stephen!
  • From: Peter Klamser <klamser at>
  • Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 03:28:40 -0400 (EDT)
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  • References: <kmngb2$3rv$>

This is an interesting discussion. But if it can be useful, we have to
make short proposals. Nobody has the time to read long texts.

A) First proposal: Identify useless or false constructions in Mathematica

aa) Eliminating Chop[] for complex numbers. Complex numbers are
oderless and therefore nobody call estimate, weather the distance of 1
+ 10^-google i to the real numbers is small or big. Chop[] is the
result of Mathematica design, that it presents often complex results, where
real values are the simpler result and can be reached by
The simplest solution is always the best solution.

B) Mathematica should be integrated seamless in Tex without using copy and
paste. The should be the cell type Tex, and the printout and save
modus Tex, where all other cells are suppressed.


2013/5/15 Szabolcs Horv=E1t <szhorvat at>:
> While some individual points are debatable, I also completely agree
> with David's main message.  Mathematica needs more focus, particularly
> some work on stability and robustness.  Even if it would come at a cost
> of new features (there are many features I'd like to see, but you can't
> have everything).
> Re: "if I click in an existing Input cell and do a line return the
> Messages window opens with a contact WRI if this happens message"
> This bug (on OS X) is really annoying when typing code in another
> language in a Mathematica string.  If will sometimes completely ruin
> the typed text if I press return several times while inside a string.
> It's a bit ironic that this bug appeared in the same release which
> brought us RLink (which I'm using these days, i.e. I'm typing a lot of
> R code inside Mathematica strings).
> On 2013-05-12 07:28:34 +0000, djmpark said:
>> (I've renamed this and started a new thread because my reply is not exac=
>> to the question.)
>> Oh, what a wonderful Wolfram blog! Earlier Stephen hinted at Mathematica=
>> an iPhone app. Now it's data mining Facebook data (Gee I wonder if
>> Zuckerberg has thought of that? He might be able to develop a great busi=
>> model.) Can Twitter be far behind? There are many significant mathematic=
>> equations that will fit into 64 characters - or whatever the limit is.
>> Ramanujan would probably have done well on Twitter. And women are more
>> interested in personal relationships and men are more interested in spor=
>> Who would have thought? The average person on Facebook has 342 friends! =
>> there are friends and there are friends. Montaigne wrote that his friend=
>> with Etienne de La Bo=E9tie was such that "So many coincidences are ne=
eded to
>> build [it up] that it is a lot if fortune can do it once in three
>> centuries." One might say, ephemera in ephemera out.
>> For the dwindling few of us who still have desktop computers and large
>> screens, or maybe two large screens, who are interested in learning or d=
>> some extended mathematics, and the even fewer who would like to write
>> literate Mathematica notebooks as technical documents, I wonder if Steph=
>> could find some time to attend to basic Mathematica, fixing its problems=
>> fulfilling its vision?
>> Mathematica lacks stability. Things that worked fine in one version don'=
>> work in the next. Especially troubling to me is the basic user interface=

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