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Re: can't get InputField to work inside a While command

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg130820] Re: can't get InputField to work inside a While command
  • From: David Bailey <dave at>
  • Date: Sat, 18 May 2013 02:40:26 -0400 (EDT)
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  • References: <kmso9j$h67$> <kmvbdl$nok$> <kn4q33$2b5$>

On 17/05/2013 09:34, Dushan Mitrovich wrote:> Okay, thanks for the 
clarification.  It seems I can't use InputField the
 > way I intended in a loop testing for a condition.  Your example assumes
 > I know beforehand the number of times I need to invoke it, which
 > generally won't be the case.
 > But apparently I can use Input within such a loop, and I'll explore that
 > possibility further.

Well, I went on to point out that perhaps you would like to use a 
separate window - for example:

cntr = 0;
   While[cntr < 3,
  xx = 0;
  DialogInput[Column[{InputField[Dynamic[xx]], DefaultButton[]}],
   WindowTitle -> "Enter xx"];
This will create a popup box on each turn of the loop, and pause until 
you respond and dismiss the box.

You can create a lot with these function that generate dynamic elements 
and popup notebooks, etc., but I would be the first to agree that they 
aren't very intuitive to use!

David Bailey

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