Re: ListPlot skips first point
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg130879] Re: ListPlot skips first point
- From: "djmpark" <djmpark at>
- Date: Thu, 23 May 2013 04:07:37 -0400 (EDT)
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When I evaluate your statements (using Show) in M 9.0.1 on Windows the first point of data2 is plotted. The following is a more detailed plot using Presentations with the points shown and Tooltips on the data2 points, clearly showing that the first point is used. << Presentations` yticks = CustomTicks[Log, {-4, 3, {1.}, {2, 5}}]; Draw2D[ {ListLogDraw[data1, Joined -> True, PlotStyle -> Red], ListLogDraw[data2, Joined -> True, PlotStyle -> Blue], CirclePoint[{First[#], Log[Last[#]]}, 3, Black, White] & /@ data1, Tooltip[ CirclePoint[{First[#], Log[Last[#]]}, 3, Black, LightBlue], #] & /@ data2}, Frame -> True, FrameTicks -> {{yticks, yticks // NoTickLabels}, {Automatic, Automatic}}, PlotRange -> {{0, 20}, {Log[0.001], Log[100]}}, ImageSize -> 400] David Park djmpark at From: Themis Matsoukas [mailto:tmatsoukas at] In the particular example below, the first point of data2 is *not* plotted. If I drop the last point of data2, then the first point comes into view. Not sure why. data1 = {{1, 11.07}, {120, 11.07}}; data2 = {{1, 11.07}, {2, 2.15}, {3, 0.83}, {4, 0.43}, {5, 0.26}, {6, 0.17}, {7, 0.12}, {8, 0.09}, {9, 0.07}, {10, 0.06}, {11, 0.05}, {12, 0.04}, {13, 0.03}, {14, 0.03}, {15, 0.03}, {16, 0.02}, {17, 0.02}, {18, 0.02}, {19, 0.02}, {20, 0.01}, {21, 0.01}, {22, 0.01}, {23, 0.01}, {24, 0.01}, {25, 0.01}, {26, 0.01}, {27, 0.01}, {28, 0.01}, {29, 0.01}, {30, 0.01}, {31, 0.01}, {32, 0.01}, {33, 0.01}, {34, 0.01}, {35, 0.01}, {36, 0.01}, {37, 0.01}, {38, 0.01}, {39, 0.01}, {40, 0.01}, {41, 0.01}, {42, 0.01}, {43, 0.01}, {44, 0.01}, {45, 0.01}, {46, 0.01}}; Show[ ListLogPlot[data1, PlotStyle -> Red, Joined -> True, PlotRange -> {{0, 20}, {0.001, 100}}], ListLogPlot[data2, PlotStyle -> Blue, Joined -> True] ] This is with v9 for the Mac.