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Re: Silly question on how to insert sections, subsections and etc. on a notebook

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg130905] Re: Silly question on how to insert sections, subsections and etc. on a notebook
  • From: "djmpark" <djmpark at>
  • Date: Fri, 24 May 2013 06:26:17 -0400 (EDT)
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It is not a silly question at all. The object is that you are writing a
notebook and discussing some topic in a section and then you want to include
a subsidiary discussion in a Subsection that would normally be closed and
then continue on with the main discussion. Another example is that you have
certain definitions that need to be initialized in the Section and for some
reason you want the user to initialize them but not have to look at them.
You could put them in a Subsection at the end of the Section but then the
user might miss seeing them. If you put them in a Subsection at the
beginning then with regular Mathematica you can't get back to the Section.

In the Presentations Application I've made provision for this. It's done
through the Presentation style sheets and you could provide your own similar
style sheet. I've added new Cell styles: ResetSection, ResetSubsection,
ResetSubsubsection and Reset Subsubsubsection.  These insert extremely thin
invisible cells at the given level. Essentially ResetSubsection creates a
new Subsection that looks like it is just a continuation of the Section.
There is also an optional SectionEndLine Cell style that inserts a bold
horizontal line to signal the end of a Subsection - when the Susbsection is
open. Also the Presentation style sheets put group openers on all the
section level groupings but not on anything else.

So your notebook structure would look like the following:

Section 1
Text and Mathematica commands

   subsection 1.1
	Text and Mathematica commands

   subsection 1.2
	Text and Mathematica commands

Text and Mathematica commands (note that this part is not inside subsection
1.2 but it is inside Section 1)
(This is actually in a new unlabeled Subsection that looks like a
continuation of the Section.)

Section 2

Presentations also has another method for inserting side discussions called
a Sidebar notebook. A Sidebar notebook is embedded in the mother notebook
but the contents are hidden. There are commands MakeSidebar, SaveSidebar and
SidebarButton. A SidebarButton could be placed in a Text cell and used to
launch a particular Sidebar notebook in a separate window.

David Park
djmpark at 

From: Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes [mailto:emammendes at] 


I wonder whether it would be possible to write a notebook with the following

Section 1

Text and Mathematica commands

   subsection 1.1

	Text and Mathematica commands

   subsection 1.2

	Text and Mathematica commands

Text and Mathematica commands (note that part is not inside subsection 1.2
but it is inside Section 1)

Section 2


I could not figure out how to have "Text and Mathematica commands" after
subsection 1.2  but still inside Section 1.

Many thanks


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