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Re: Warsaw Univ. course, was Re: Work on Basic Mathematica Stephen!

On 5/30/2013 5:07 AM, János Löbb wrote:
> I think this course will be successful only if the majority of the
> students already learned Mathematica in high school.

I do not think so. I've taken a Mathematica based course myself. It
was 100% Mathematica, i.e. everything from HW's to exams was
done using notebooks.

I had the feeling I was the only student in the  class who even knew
that Mathematica existed before the class started.

Many students did not even know how to type a command in the notebook
when the course started, and many other basic things.  So the first
2 weeks were are introduction to Mathematica.

It was a great course, and everyone seems at the end to have learned
many things. Did not see any one drop out or scream or anything. It was
a fun course actually even thought it was very hard work, because we used
Mathematica as a tool to learn physics. It was a physics course at UCI.

The teacher Dr Peter Taborek, is an expert in Mathematica as well as
being a Physics professor,and had his own book and software
based on Mathematica which we used.


>So to make it
> successful, about five more enthusiastic assistant lecturer should start
> Saturday classes in those high schools right away, which feed into
> Warsaw University.
> J=E1nos

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