Re: Help needed on how plot a stereographic projection
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg130981] Re: Help needed on how plot a stereographic projection
- From: "Eduardo M. A. M.Mendes" <emammendes at>
- Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 03:39:18 -0400 (EDT)
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Hello Many many thanks. A couple of questions if I may: a) Does the ToolTip command means that if the mouse over -1 the msg "Project of -1"will show up? It does not seem to work for me. The only thing I can is to rotate the figure. b) Is there a way to change the line color (tab3) from cold (blue) to hot (read) as goes from 0 to infinity and 0 to -infinity? c) Is there a way to get grid lines on the planes x-y,y-z,z-x? d) Another way, faster, to generate tab3. Once more, thank you. Ed From: Bob Hanlon [mailto:hanlonr357 at] Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 4:03 PM To: Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes Cc: MathGroup Subject: [mg130981] Re: Help needed on how plot a stereographic projection Use of ComplexExpand on real values (output of Re, Im, or Abs) is unnecessary. ClearAll[stereographicProjection]; stereographicProjection::usage = "stereographicProjection[complexnumber] will return the stereoprojection of \ a complex point considering the Riemann sphere"; SyntaxInformation[stereographicProjection] = {"ArgumentsPattern" -> {_}}; stereographicProjection[complexnumber_] := Module[ {abs2 = Abs[complexnumber]^2}, If[abs2 == Infinity, {0, 0, 1}, {Re[complexnumber]/(1 + abs2), Im[complexnumber]/(1 + abs2), abs2/(1 + abs2)}]] tab3 = Table[ stereographicProjection[ (s + 1)/(s^2 (s - 1)) /. {s -> I w}], {w, -1000, 1000, 0.1}] // Quiet; Show[ ParametricPlot3D[ {Cos[p] Sin[t], Sin[p] Sin[t], 1 + Cos[t]}/2, {p, 0, 2 Pi}, {t, 0, Pi}, PlotStyle -> Opacity[0.5], Mesh -> Automatic], Graphics3D[{ Darker[Magenta], AbsoluteThickness[3], Tooltip[Line[tab3], "Projection of (s+1)/(s^2 (s-1))"], Red, PointSize[.02], Tooltip[Point[{stereographicProjection[-1]}], "Projection of -1"]}], ImageSize -> Large, AxesLabel -> {"x", "y", "z"}, PlotRange -> {{-1, 1}, {-1, 1}, {0, 1}}, BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1/2}] Bob Hanlon On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 6:14 AM, Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes <emammendes at> wrote: Hello Although I have been using Mathematica for more than year, I feel that I haven't barely scratched the surface of what Mathematica can do. The following example gives the result that I need but the outcome is ugly and slow. ClearAll[stereographicProjection]; stereographicProjection::usage="stereographicProjection[complexnumber] will return the stereoprojection of a complex point considering the Riemann sphere"; SyntaxInformation[stereographicProjection]={"ArgumentsPattern"->{_}}; stereographicProjection[complexnumber_]:= Module[{a1,a2,a3}, If[ComplexExpand[Abs[complexnumber]]==Infinity, a1=0;a2=0;a3=1, = a1=ComplexExpand[Re[complexnumber]]/(1+ComplexExpand[Abs[complexnumber]]^2); a2=ComplexExpand[Im[complexnumber]]/(1+ComplexExpand[Abs[complexnumber]]^2); = a3=ComplexExpand[Abs[complexnumber]]^2/(1+ComplexExpand[Abs[complexnumber]]^ 2)]; {a1,a2,a3} ] tab3=Table[stereographicProjection[(s+1)/(s^2 (s-1))/.{s-> I \[Omega]}],{\[Omega],-1000,1000,0.1}]; = Show[ContourPlot3D[x^2+y^2+(z-1/2)^2==(1/2)^2,{x,-1,1},{y,-1,1},{z,0,1},Mesh ->Automatic,AxesLabel-> = {"x","y","z"},BoxRatios->{1,1,1/2},ImageSize-> = Large],ListPointPlot3D[tab3,PlotStyle->Directive[PointSize[Large],Magenta],I mageSize-> = Large],ListPointPlot3D[{stereographicProjection[-1]},PlotStyle->Directive[Po intSize[0.02],Red]],ImageSize-> Large] a) Is there another way of getting the same plot? b) How to get the points of tab3 connected? c) How to change the opacity of the sphere? Improvements, suggestion and critiscims are welcome. Many thanks Ed
- References:
- Help needed on how plot a stereographic projection
- From: "Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes" <>
- Help needed on how plot a stereographic projection