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Re:complex conjugation by star

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg132609] Re:complex conjugation by star
  • From: "Dave Snead" <dsnead6 at>
  • Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 04:46:55 -0400 (EDT)
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Rob --

This will do it.
x,y are real, any others are complex.


Dave Snead

-----Original Message----- 
From: Brambilla Roberto Luigi (RSE)
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2014 2:10 AM
To: 'Dave Snead' ; mathgroup at
Subject: [mg132609] R: complex conjugation by star

Dear Dave,
many thanks again.
Now I have the problem to tell Mathematica that same variables are reals 
and have not to be 'starred' so that
(x+Iy+z)* is not  x*+Iy*+z* but x-Iy+z*  (if x and y are reals and z 
unknown). Command   like Element[x, Reals]
does not work.
Sincerely yours Roberto

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Dave Snead [mailto:dsnead6 at]
Inviato: venerdì 18 aprile 2014 09:30
A: Brambilla Roberto Luigi (RSE); mathgroup at
Oggetto: Re: complex conjugation by star

Rob --

This will give you what you want:


Dave Snead

-----Original Message-----
From: Brambilla Roberto Luigi (RSE)
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2014 10:46 PM
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg132609] complex conjugation by star

I have defined the following useful star complex-conjugation (common star 
exponent notation)


and it works fine. For example BesselJ[2,x+I y]* gives BesselJ[2,x-I y] 
etc...(x,y defined/undefined).
Also it is listable on number lists

{1+i2, 5+i6}*  gives  {1-i2, 5-i6} .

Unfortunately it does not work on symbols, i.e.
A* gives A even if I have defined A as a complex number by means of 
Element[A, Complexes].
Similarly if I define Element[{A,B,G}, Complexes]

{A,B,G}* gives {A,B,G}  and (A+B+G)*  gives A+B+G.

I'd like to obtain {A*,B*,G*} and A*+B*+G*    ( ! )

Is it possible to fix this deficiency, unpleasant in manipulating general 
expressions where is not known if symbols represent real or complex 
variables ?

Many thanks!

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