Fourier Transform Package
- To: mathgroup
- Subject: Fourier Transform Package
- From: Victor Sparrow <sparrow at>
- Date: Mon, 17 Apr 89 12:35:26 CDT
[Here is a contributed package. As with all future packages, please report any problems you may have to the author first so that the author may submit corrections. Authors should give credit to the persons locating problems. Disagreements over the workings of a package can be posted to the mailing list freely. This package will be placed in the archive. -smc] April 13, 1989 Dear Steve, Here is the symbolic Fourier transform package as promised. Please post to the appropriate notesfiles and archives. You are getting a shar(1) archive of two files: Ft.m and Ft.doc. I have developed this on a MacII using Mathematica release 1.1. Please contact me if you have any questions or suggestions. Best wishes, Vic Sparrow sparrow at -----------Cut Here---------- #! /bin/sh # This is a shell archive, meaning: # 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line. # 2. Save the resulting text in a file. # 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create: # Ft.m # Ft.doc # This archive created: Thu Apr 13 15:43:43 1989 export PATH; PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH if test -f 'Ft.m' then echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'Ft.m'" else cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'Ft.m' (* Ft.m copyright 1989 by Victor W. Sparrow *) (* Permission is granted to copy the file provided that the copyright notice is left intact and the copies are not distributed commercially. *) (* The author wishes to thank Roman Maeder, George Swenson, and Mike White, who helped in the development of this package. Dr. Maeder for his help in the treatment of complex numbers in pattern matching, and Drs. Swenson and White for their encouragement and suggestions. *) BeginPackage["Ft`"] (* Version 9: added Fta[], Ftb[], iFta[], iFtb[], conversion functions for alternate transform definitions. 04/10/89 *) (* Version 8: fixed delay with optional scaling for forward transforms. Also some other rearrangements. 04/04/89 *) (* Version 7: fixed differentiation transforms and some other things on 03/27/89 *) (* Version 6: more inverse transforms and many improvements to forward ones 03/23/89 *) (* Version 5: started adding inverse transforms on 03/22/89 *) (* Version 4: more usage statements, and additional improvements to many functions. 03/20/89 *) (* Version 3: more forward transforms 03/03/89 *) (* In version 2 Vic Sparrow, the author of this package, had a little help on complex numbers from Roman Maeder. 02/28/89 *) Ft::usage = "Ft[expr,t,omega] gives the symbolic Fourier transform of expr in t space to omega space." iFt::usage = "iFt[expr,t,omega] gives the symbolic inverse Fourier transform of expr in omega space to t space." Fta::usage = "Fta[expr,t,omega] gives the symbolic Fourier transform of expr in t space to omega space. In this transform the 2 Pi appears in the exponent of the exponential function." iFta::usage = "iFta[expr,t,omega] gives the symbolic inverse Fourier transform of expr in omega space to t space. In this transform the 2 Pi appears in the exponent of the exponential function." Ftb::usage = "Ftb[expr,t,omega] gives the symbolic Fourier transform of expr in t space to omega space. This transform includes Sqrt[2 Pi] as a scaling factor" iFtb::usage = "iFtb[expr,t,omega] gives the symbolic inverse Fourier transform of expr in omega space to t space. This transform includes Sqrt[2 Pi] as a scaling factor." convolution::usage = "convolution[a,b] is the convolution integral of a and b." delta::usage = "delta[t] is the dirac delta function of t." u::usage = "u[t] is the unit step function of t, u[t]=0 for t<0 and u[t]=1 for t>0." rect::usage = "rect[t] is the rectagular function of t, rect[t]=1 for Abs[t]<1/2 and rect[t]=0 otherwise." sinc::usage = "sinc[t] is the function Sin[t]/t." triangle::usage = "triangle[t] is the triangular function of t, triangle[t]=1-Abs[t] for Abs[t]<1 and triangle[t]=0 otherwise." Begin["`private`"] (* Fourier Transform Section: *) (* constants *) Ft[c_,t_,om_]:= 2 Pi c delta[om] /; FreeQ[c,t] (* linearity *) Ft[a_ + b_,t_,om_]:= Ft[a,t,om] + Ft[b,t,om] (* pick off constants *) Ft[c_ a_,t_,om_]:= c Ft[a,t,om] /; FreeQ[c,t] (* frequency translation *) Ft[a_ Exp[c_Complex omn_. t_],t_,om_]:= Ft[a,t,om-Im[c]omn] /; (FreeQ[omn,t] && Re[c]==0) (* amplitude modulation *) Ft[a_ Cos[omn_. t_],t_,om_]:= Ft[a,t,om+omn]/2 + Ft[a,t,om-omn]/2 /; FreeQ[omn,t] (* time differentiation *) Unprotect[Derivative] Derivative/: Ft[Derivative[n_Integer?Positive][a_][t_],t_,om_]:= (I om)^n Ft[a[t],t,om] Protect[Derivative] (* time convolution *) Ft[convolution[a_,b_],t_,om_]:= Ft[a,t,om] Ft[b,t,om] (* complex conjugate *) Ft[Conjugate[a_],t_,om_]:= Conjugate[Ft[a,t,-om]] (* sign function *) Ft[Sign[t_],t_,om_]:= 2 / (I om) (* delta function *) Ft[delta[t_],t_,om_]:= 1 (* step function *) Ft[u[t_],t_,om_]:= Pi delta[om] - I/om (* complex exponential *) Ft[Exp[c_Complex omn_. t_],t_,om_]:= 2 Pi delta[om - Im[c]omn] /; (FreeQ[omn,t] && Re[c]==0) (* cosine *) Ft[Cos[omn_. t_],t_,om_]:= Pi(delta[om -omn] + delta[om+omn]) /; FreeQ[omn,t] (* sine *) Ft[Sin[omn_. t_],t_,om_]:= -I Pi(delta[om - omn] - delta[om+omn]) /; FreeQ[omn,t] (* step exponential *) Ft[Exp[c_?NumberQ con_. t_] u[t_],t_,om_]:= 1/(-c con + I om) /; (FreeQ[con,t] && c<0 && Im[c]==0) (* step exponential 2 *) Ft[t_ Exp[c_?NumberQ con_. t_] u[t_],t_,om_]:= 1/(-c con + I om)^2 /; (FreeQ[con,t] && c<0 && Im[c]==0) (* double sided exponential *) Ft[Exp[c_?NumberQ con_. Abs[t_]],t_,om_]:= -2 c con/((- c con)^2 + om^2) /; (FreeQ[con,t] && c<0 && Im[c]==0) (* Gaussian: c=-1/(2 sigma^2) sigma=Sqrt[-1/2c] assume c<0 and sigma>0 *) Ft[Exp[c_?NumberQ ccon_. t_^2],t_,om_]:= Sqrt[- Pi/(c ccon)] Exp[om^2/( 4 c ccon)] /; (FreeQ[ccon,t] && c<0 && Im[c]==0) (* Sign in freq. domain. *) Ft[Power[t_,-1],t_,om_]:= -I Pi Sign[om] /; FreeQ[c,t] (* Rectangular fn. *) Ft[rect[t_],t_,om_]:= sinc[om/2] (* sinc fn. *) Ft[sinc[t_],t_,om_]:= Pi rect[om/2] (* Triangle fn. *) Ft[triangle[t_],t_,om_]:=(sinc[om/2])^2 (* Very general rules should be last. *) (* frequency differentiation *) Ft[t_^n_. a_,t_,om_]:= I^n Derivative[n][ Ft[a,t,om] ][om] /; FreeQ[n,t] && n>0 (* multiplication by delta function *) Ft[a_ delta[t_ + tnot_.],t_,om_]:= Limit[a Exp[-I om t],t->-tnot] /; FreeQ[tnot,t] (* scaling *) Ft[a_[alph_ t_],t_,om_]:= (1/Abs[alph] Ft[a[t],t,om/alph] /; FreeQ[alph,t] ) (* delay with optional scaling *) Ft[a_[alph_. t_ + tnot_],t_,om_]:= (1/Abs[alph] Ft[a[t],t,om/alph] Exp[I tnot om / alph] /; FreeQ[alph,t] && FreeQ[tnot,t]) (* frequency convolution for 2 *) Ft[a_[t_] b_[t_],t_,om_]:= convolution[Ft[a[t],t,om],Ft[b[t],t,om]]/(2 Pi) (* Inverse Fourier Transform Section: *) (* constants *) iFt[c_,t_,om_]:= c delta[t] /; FreeQ[c,om] (* linearity *) iFt[a_ + b_,t_,om_]:= iFt[a,t,om] + iFt[b,t,om] (* pick off constants *) iFt[c_ a_,t_,om_]:= c iFt[a,t,om] /; FreeQ[c,om] (* one sided exponential *) iFt[1/(c_ + I om_),t_,om_]:= Exp[-c t] u[t] /; FreeQ[c,om] (* t and one sided exponential *) iFt[1/(c_ + I om_)^2,t_,om_]:= t Exp[-c t] u[t] /; FreeQ[c,om] (* double sided exponential *) iFt[1/(c_ + om_^2),t_,om_]:= ( Exp[-Sqrt[c] Abs[t]] /(2 Sqrt[c]) /; FreeQ[c,om] ) (* Gaussian *) (* c=-sigma^2/2) sigma=Sqrt[-2c] assume c<0 and sigma>0 *) iFt[Exp[c_?NumberQ ccon_. om_^2],t_,om_]:= Exp[t^2/(4 c ccon)]/(2 Sqrt[-Pi c ccon]) /; (FreeQ[ccon,om] && c<0 && Im[c]==0) (* Sign[] in time *) iFt[1/om_,t_,om_]:= I Sign[t]/2 (* Sign[] for frequency *) iFt[Sign[om_],t_,om_]:= I/(Pi t) (* delta function *) iFt[delta[om_],t_,om_]:= 1/( 2 Pi) (* sine: this could be improved *) iFt[delta[om_-omnot_]-delta[om_+omnot_],t_,om_]:= I Sin[omnot t]/Pi /; FreeQ[omnot,om] (* cosine: this could be improved *) iFt[delta[om_-omnot_]+delta[om_+omnot_],t_,om_]:= Cos[omnot t]/Pi /; FreeQ[omnot,om] (* sinc function *) iFt[sinc[om_],t_,om_]:= rect[t/2]/2 (* rect function *) iFt[rect[om_],t_,om_]:= sinc[t/2]/(2 Pi) (* sinc squared *) iFt[sinc[om_ tau_.]^2,t_,om_]:= triangle[t/(2 tau)]/(2 tau) /; FreeQ[tau,om] (* time differentiation *) iFt[om_^n_. a_,t_,om_]:= (-I)^n Derivative[n][ iFt[a,t,om] ][t] /; FreeQ[n,om] && n>0 (* frequency differentiation *) Unprotect[Derivative] Derivative/: iFt[Derivative[n_Integer?Positive][a_][om_],t_,om_]:= (t/I)^n iFt[a[om],t,om] Protect[Derivative] (* general rules last *) (* multiplication by delta function *) iFt[a_ delta[om_ + omnot_.],t_,om_]:= Limit[a Exp[I om t]/(2 Pi),om->-omnot] /; FreeQ[omnot,om] (* scaling *) iFt[a_[alph_ om_],t_,om_]:= ( iFt[a[om],t/alph,om]/Abs[alph] /; FreeQ[alph,om] ) (* frequency translation *) iFt[a_[om_ + omnot_],t_,om_]:= iFt[a[om],t,om] Exp[-I omnot t]/; FreeQ[omnot,om] (* time translation *) iFt[a_[om_] Exp[c_Complex tnot_. om_],t_,om_]:= iFt[a[om],t + Im[c] tnot, om] /; FreeQ[tnot,om] && Re[c]==0 (* frequency multiplication *) iFt[a_[om_] b_[om_],t_,om_]:= convolution[iFt[a[om],t,om],iFt[b[om],t,om]] (* Alternative definition transform section. *) (* Alternative a: 2Pi only in exponent of expoentials. *) Fta[a_,t_,om_]:=Ft[a,t,2 Pi om] iFta[a_,t_,om_]:=iFt[2 Pi a, 2 Pi t, om] (* Alternative b: Sqrt[2 Pi] appears in both forward and inverse trasforms. *) Ftb[a_,t_,om_]:=Ft[a,t,om]/Sqrt[2 Pi] iFtb[a_,t_,om_]:=Sqrt[2 Pi] iFt[a,t,om] End[] EndPackage[] SHAR_EOF fi if test -f 'Ft.doc' then echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'Ft.doc'" else cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'Ft.doc' Ft: a symbolic Fourier transform package for Mathematica by Victor W. Sparrow Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and USA-CERL Acoustics Team, Champaign, IL April 13, 1989 Ft is a Mathematica package written to perform symbolic forward and inverse Fourier transforms. To load this package into Mathematica, type the following at a Mathematica prompt: <<Ft.m Then, for example, to take the symbolic Fourier transform of Exp[-a t] u[t] one types: Ft[Exp[-a t] u[t],t,omega] . Further, to find the inverse transform of 1/(a + omega) one can type: iFt[1/(a + omega),t,omega] . These two examples demonstrate common specific uses of this package. The general format to perform a forward transform is Ft[expression of domain 1, domain 1 variable, domain 2 variable] and for an inverse transform is iFt[expression of domain 2, domain 1 variable, domain 2 variable] . The Ft package is simplistic in its construction, and it can only find symbolic Fourier transforms and inverses commonly found in the tables of mathematical handbooks. The Ft package knows how the following standard engineering functions are used in transforms: u[t], the unit step function: u[t]=1 for t>0 u[t]=0 for t<0 delta[t], the Dirac delta function rect[t], the rectangular function: rect[t]=1 for Abs[t] < (1/2) rect[t]=0 otherwise sinc[t], the Sin[t]/t function, and triangle[t], the triangular function: triangle[t] = 1 - Abs[t] for Abs[t] < 1 triangle[t] = 0 otherwise Ft.m, however, does not know the properties of these functions if they are not used in Fourier transforms. In addition, Ft.m knows about certain mathematical operations such as convolution. Ft[convolution[a[t],b[t]],t,omega] gives the Fourier transform of the convolution of the functions of a[t] and b[t]. The Fourier transform pair Infinity / -I omega t F[omega]= | f[t] e dt / -Infinity Infinity 1 / I omega t f[t]= ____ | F[omega] e d omega 2 Pi / -Infinity is implicitly used in this package. The way the package is written, however, the integral forms of these expressions are never referred to in Ft.m. Ft.m will not help Mathematica in evaluating expressions like Integral[f[t] Exp[-I omega t],{t,-Infinity,Infinity}] which Mathematica cannot handle alone. All of the calculations in Ft.m use the above Fourier transform pair. If one prefers the pair Infinity / -I 2 Pi nu t F[nu]= | f[t] e dt / -Infinity Infinity / I 2 Pi nu t f[t]= | F[nu] e d nu / -Infinity he can use Fta[expression in domain 1, domain 1 variable, domain 2 variable] and iFta[expression in domain 2, domain 1 variable, domain 2 variable] . This usage merely converts the expressions to the Ft[] and iFt[] format and evaluates the expressions. Note: the way this is implemented means that if one takes the Fta[] of some complicated expression, the answer may be in terms of the Ft[] of simple expressions. Similarly one can use the Fourier transform pair Infinity 1 / -I omega t F[omega]=__________ | f[t] e dt Sqrt[2 Pi] / -Infinity Infinity 1 / I omega t f[t]=__________ | F[omega] e d omega Sqrt[2 Pi] / -Infinity using the general forms Ftb[expression in domain 1, domain 1 variable, domain 2 variable] and iFtb[expression in domain 2, domain 1 variable, domain 2 variable] although again the resultant expressions may be in terms of Ft[] and iFt[]. Often to get the inverse Fourier transform of a complicated expression in the frequency domain, the user will need to do some processing in Mathematica outside of Ft.m. For instance Apart[] is useful for breaking ratios of polynomials into sums of terms with simple denominators. (Partial fraction expansion.) Comments on this package from users would be helpful. Please contact Victor W. Sparrow at sparrow at via E-mail. SHAR_EOF fi exit 0 # End of shell archive ----- End Included Message -----