New books from Addison Wesley ?
- To: mathgroup at (mathgroup)
- Subject: New books from Addison Wesley ?
- From: uunet!!tim (Tim Monks)
- Date: Thu, 16 Nov 89 14:17:23 EST
Can anybody tell me what the publication dates are on the following books ? Maeder : Programming for Mathematica Crandall : Scientific Applications of Mathematica Both books have been listed in Addison Wesley catalogues for a while - even with ISB numbers, but the local A-W office does not know when they are due out. Thanks, Tim Monks Image Processing & Data Analysis Group | (direct) +61-3-566-7448 BHP Melbourne Research Laboratories | (switch) +61-3-560-7066 245 Wellington Rd, Mulgrave, 3170, | (fax) +61-3-561-6709 AUSTRALIA | (EMAIL) tim at