The Mathematica Journal
- To: uiucuxc!!mathgroup
- Subject: The Mathematica Journal
- From: uiucuxc!!paul%wri (Paul Abbott)
- Date: Wed, 4 Apr 90 18:10:34 CDT
The Mathematica Journal As some of you may know, the first issue of the Mathematica Journal is due in June. This will be a forum for the presentation of papers on any topic - with a focus on how Mathematica was used. The Journal also has an electronic component (for a slightly increased subscription fee) - which includes the Packages and Notebooks that are relevant to the articles in each issue. Copies of the preview issue of the Journal (which was distributed at the Mathematica Conference in January), "Guidelines for Submissions", and subscription information are available from The Mathematica Journal P.O. Box 67 Belmont, CA 94002 I strongly encourage all keen Mathematica Users to submit papers , notes, questions, letters to the editor, product information, application notes and leads on any interesting uses of Mathematica. All the papers will be refereed and should be submitted directly to Silvio Levy , the Academic Editor of the Journal: Silvio Levy, Editor The Mathematica Journal c/o Princeton University Mathematics Department Fine Hall, Washington Road Princeton, NJ 08544 Electronic documents can be submitted on Macintosh diskettes, or by electronic mail to levy at There is a tentative plan to make the second issue contain a special feature on the use of Mathematica for teaching and any contributions along this line would be especially encouraged. If you like to know more about the Journal, please contact me directly by email (paul at Paul Abbott (Technical Editor, Mathematica Journal)