[Date Index] [Thread Index] [Author Index]
- SetPrecision[], Jerry Keiper, 1990/04/02
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: SetPrecision[], Richard Fateman, 1990/04/03
- precision and accuracy, Jeffrey P . Golden, 1990/04/03
- The Mathematica Journal, Paul Abbott, 1990/04/06
- Mathematica Frontends, Ken Mandelberg, 1990/04/07
- Format of Real Numbers in Mathematica, Bill MacDonald, 1990/04/10
- Mathematica and printing on the PC, Lloyd J. Lacomb, 1990/04/16
- mathink. in NeXT, Dong Sheng Cai, 1990/04/16
- Transformation Rules via AlgebraicRules, Jack, 1990/04/16
- Trigonometry expansions, Steven Warwick, 1990/04/17
- Math mode for GNU Emacs, uiucuxc!cello . hpl . hp . com!jacobson, 1990/04/18
- Re: supressing argument evaluation by function Part, Philip B. Yasskin, 1990/04/21
- Re: Transformation Rules via Algebraic Rules, uunet!ub . cc . umich . edu!Jim_Wendel, 1990/04/24
- deferred evaluation question, Steve Christensen, 1990/04/27
- NumberQ, Steve Christensen, 1990/04/27
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: NumberQ, uunet!ub . cc . umich . edu . Sun . Apr . 29 . 11 : 27 : 04 . 1990!Jim_Wendel, 1990/04/30
- High precision floating point considered hazardous, Steve Christensen, 1990/04/27
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: High precision floating point considered hazardous, uunet!sun . udel . edu . Mon . Apr . 30 . 11 : 15 : 11 . 1990!jack, 1990/04/30