Mathematica Conference
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Mathematica Conference
- From: pea
- Date: Wed, 17 Oct 90 16:11:12 CDT
---------------o0o--------------- 1991 MATHEMATICA CONFERENCE January 12-15, 1990 San Francisco, California ---------------o0o--------------- LOCATION Hyatt Regency Hotel, Embarcadero Center, San Francisco, California TIMES Sessions and Exhibits: 2 pm Saturday, January 12 -- 2 pm Tuesday, January 15 On-Site Registration begins at 12 noon on Saturday, January 12 RELATED CONFERENCES IN SAN FRANCISCO o MACWORLD Expo, January 10-13 o American Mathematical Society Meeting, January 16-19 FEATURES o Invited Lectures o Application Highlights Show o Forums/Panels o Mathematica Clinics o Workshops o Programming Competition o Special Interest Groups TUTORIALS Elementary: o Introduction to Mathematica o Introduction to Mathematica Programming o Numeric Computation o Algebraic Computation o Text Manipulation o Using Notebooks o New Features Update Intermediate: o Graphics Programming o Data Analysis o Calling Programs from Mathematica o Mathematica Programming Style o Producing Graphics for Publication o Mathematica Educational Labs o Creating Mathematica Courseware Advanced: o Advanced Programming o MathLink o Mathematica Implementation o Designing Mathematica Packages o Networking o Advanced New Features o Mathematica System Administration Other topics to be announced. EXHIBITS o Hardware systems o Compatible software o Books/Publications o Mathematica services o Training/Consulting OTHER CONTRIBUTED MATERIAL o Short Talks o Computer-aided Poster Presentations o Teaching Laboratory Sessions o Graphics Gallery FEES Before December 14, 1990: Regular: $275 Educational: $175 Student: $50 After December 14, 1990: Regular: $325 Educational: $225 Student: $75 INFORMATION/REGISTRATION: 1991 Mathematica Conference P.O. Box 3848 Champaign, IL 61826-3848 217-398-0700 fax: 217-398-0747 email: conf at Deadline for conference submissions November 15, 1990 ABOUT MATHEMATICA Mathematica is an integrated technical computing environment, which performs numeric, symbolic and graphical computations, and embodies a high-level programming language. Developed by Wolfram Research, Inc. Mathematica is available on Macintosh, MS-DOS 386, workstations and larger computers. The 1991 Mathematica Conference is intended for all current and prospective users of Mathematica. Sponsored in part by Wolfram Research, Inc. and Addison-Wesley Publishing Company