window size
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: window size
- From: herjan at (Herjan Barnard)
- Date: Thu, 17 Dec 92 11:25:26 +0100
> I'm running mma 2.1 on a SPARC-2, using X-windows. I'm having > a problem with $DisplayHeight and $DisplayWidth - no matter what > I do, the window size comes up the default 400x400. I set both > parameters, and check the values to verify that they've changed. > when I run a simple plot, the size does not change. > > I tried changing the entries in StartUp/X11.m, but this did not > change the size either. > > I would appreciate any suggestions here. I've changed the > display size in just this way in earlier versions of mma, and > don't remember having any difficulties. > > -r. kline > rvk at Hello, The program x11ps contains a bug. It isn't able to adjust window sizes. If you have available OL.m you should use this instead of X11.m, i.e. type the command <<OL.m or put it in your init.m. The window height can then be adjusted to arbitrary size and the width is bounded below by the width of the three buttons. If you add to your $HOME/.Xdefaults file the file $MATHHOME/Bin.SPARC/Display/Olps and read in those new defaults with xrdb $HOME/.Xdefaults then the width can be as small as 236 as long as you do not use animation. The buttons can be activated by the keyboard by pressing the meta (diamond) key and the first letter of the button label. Since the only choice in the File menu is Quit, pressing meta-f will kill the window. If you do not include Olps in your $HOME/.Xdefaults the width must be at least 275 and the buttons can only be activated using the mouse. Herjan Barnard Delft University of Technology The Netherlands herjan at