Re: window size
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Re: window size
- From: dario at (Dario Ringach)
- Date: Tue, 8 Dec 92 09:40:21 EST
}} }} I'm running mma 2.1 on a SPARC-2, using X-windows. I'm having }} a problem with $DisplayHeight and $DisplayWidth - no matter what }} I do, the window size comes up the default 400x400. I set both }} parameters, and check the values to verify that they've changed. }} when I run a simple plot, the size does not change. Same problem here using OpenLook on a SPARC-2 Mma 2.1. -- Dario Dario Ringach office: (212) 998-3941 Center for Neural Science home: (212) 727-9346 New York University e-mail: dario at