MathGroup Archive 1992

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file io for data analysis

  • To: mathgroup at (Mathematica mailing list)
  • Subject: file io for data analysis
  • From: msdrl!nachbar at (Dr. Robert B. Nachbar)
  • Date: Tue, 7 Jul 92 16:08:43 EDT

chapter 3 "Data Analysis" of the intermediate tutorial notes from the 
1991 mathematica conference describes the ReadList function to read data
from a file, and the use of Scan[Write[...],array] to write data to a file.
these tools are well and good for relatively simple data sets (few columns,
known datatypes, no column nor row names). does anyone have somewhat more
versatile functions that do not require the user to explicitly know the
number and type of data columns per record, allow the optional inclusion
of row and/or column names, simple choice of delimiter string, etc.?
Dr. Robert B. Nachbar
Merck Research Laboratories, R50S-100
908/594-7795, FAX 908/594-4224

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