MathGroup Archive 1992

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Re: MMA List

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: Re: MMA List
  • From: "C.T.J. Dodson" <dodson at>
  • Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1992 15:43:45 -0300

I believe that my colleague burbulla sent a short 
note on our Computer Calculus courseware, here 
follows a revised version with the handy 1 800 
numbers and email address.

This book is intended for 
self-study support of 
first  year  calculus  students
and as a self-tutor 
for anyone wishing to introduce 
themselves to Mathematica  
while reviewing some basic calculus.

Self-Tutor For Computer Calculus 
       Using Mathematica 2.0                                                               
     D.C.M. Burbulla  and  C.T.J. Dodson 
           University of Toronto

[310 pages, with 150 figures and full function listing; ISBN 0130152803 
$20CDN  Prentice-Hall Canada Inc.(Fax 416 299 2529), Scarborough, July 1992]
Telephones: Canada 1 800 567 3800, US 1 800 223 1360, UK 0442 881900, 
            Singapore 65-3238-10501, Australia 61-2-939-1333
The book is primarily a self-instructional companion to a computer-assisted 
first university calculus course but can serve also as a quick introduction to 
Mathematica while reviewing calculus. We avoided repeating standard material 
found in typical Calculus books. Our intention is that the student will use any  
designated course text as primary reference and this Self-Tutor in two ways:

 1.  As an initial prop to gain confidence quickly in using the computer as a 
    study aid for new concepts in mathematics by exploiting graphics effectively              
 2. Later as a source of ideas for exploring the theory and examples in their 
      calculus courses and in all subsequent studies that use mathematics. 

We have incorporated maximum exploitation of graphics features.  The first chapter gets the complete beginner started in  Mathematica while reviewing some familiar material from high school mathematics.

We have presumed  only basic familiarity with computer terminals, no experience 
with programming, and that students will not have easy access to expert humans. 
An Appendix gives a listing  of functions in the Mathematica  packages we 
introduce. These are also available on disk in DOS or UNIX format. 
Additionally,  Notebook  versions of our packages  are available for 
NeXT computers and will be available for XWindows on UNIX platforms.  

There is available an edition of this book for Mathematica 1.2 (ISBN 0138037841)

A parallel book using Maple V is in preparation.
Further volumes will cover multivariable calculus, using Mathematica and Maple.

email info from dodson at ecf.toronto .edu

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