declaration-assignment-dynamic binding update
- To: tyan at, comp-lang-functional at, mathgroup at
- Subject: declaration-assignment-dynamic binding update
- From: gaylord at
- Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1992 05:11:50 -0600
translating ML code from Thomas Yan into Mathematica code: fun g(f,x) = let val c = 3 in f(x) end fun h() = let val c = 5 fun f(x) = x + c val a = g(f,0) val c = 7 val b = g(f,1) in (a,b) end ================================================ Clear[f, g, h] g[f_, x_] := Module[{c = 3}, f[x]] h[] := Module[{c = 5}, f[x_] := x + c; a = g[f, 0]; c = 7; b = g[f, 1]; {a, b}] h[] {5, 8} Clear[f, g, h] g[f_, x_] := Module[{c = 3}, f[x]] h[] := Module[{c = 5}, f[x_] = x + c; a = g[f, 0]; c = 7; b = g[f, 1]; {a, b}] h[] {5, 6} Clear[f, g, h] g[f_, x_] := Block[{c = 3}, f[x]] h[] := Block[{c = 5}, f[x_] = x + c; a = g[f, 0]; c = 7; b = g[f, 1]; {a, b}]h[] {5, 6} Clear[f, g, h] g[f_, x_] := Block[{c = 3}, f[x]] h[] := Block[{c = 5}, f[x_] := x + c; a = g[f, 0]; c = 7; b = g[f, 1]; {a, b}] h[] {3, 4} according to Thomas Yan: declaration gives (5, 6) assignment gives (5, 8) dynamic binding gives (3, 4). overall, for M: using = with either Block or Module gives {5, 6} which T. Yan calls declaration. (Mathematica calls = assignment) using := with Module gives {5, 8} which T. Yan calls assignment. (Mathematica calls := delayed assignment) using := with Block gives {3, 4} which T. Yan calls dynamic binding and D. Lichtblau calls dynamic scoping. (D.L. says binding is independent of assignment vs. declaration) nothing like having an agreed upon notation (nothing at all like that).