- To: mathgroup at yoda.physics.unc.edu
- Subject: HypergeometricPFQ
- From: lsf at holmes.astro.nwu.edu (Sam Finn)
- Date: Wed, 18 Nov 92 14:56:12 CST
Re: HypergeometricPFQ Mathematica 2.1 on a SPARC2 The evaluation rules for HypergeometricPFQ are messed up: In[1]:= Integrate[1/(x^(7/3)(x^2+1.44^2)),{x,1,Infinity}] 5 8 Out[1]= 0.3 HypergeometricPFQ[{1, -}, {-}, -2.0736] 3 3 In[2]:= N[%] Out[2]= 0.3 HypergeometricPFQ[{1.,1.66667}, {2.66667}, -2.0736] Now, I contacted support at wri.com with this bug, and after a week of waiting for a reply I phoned. I was told that they don't know why this is happening, but that it is fixed in 2.2. No, 2.2 is not available: it is Wolfram internal. The only workaround is to hand substitute into Hypergeometric2F1. When asked if a bug fix would be available for 2.1, I was told that it is fixed in 2.2. Since Wolfram won't help (except when it comes to spending my money), I thought maybe someone in the mathgroup has been through this and tracked down the problem (probably in HypergeometricPFQ.m). Regardless, I thought you might be interested in hearing a testimonial to the quality technical support that is yours when you become a Mathematica Plus subscriber. Thanks for any help you can offer, L. S. Finn Physics and Astronomy Northwestern University P.S. And also, will somebody please remind me why I even bother trying to make productive use of Mathematica?